There was another pro illegal letter in the editorial section in the Miami Herald. It was against the 4am ICE raids to catch illegals on their way to work. Below is my response I emailed to the editor today.

This is in response to Bertha Arias' letter regarding immigration raids. I am insulted by the comment: "The majority of these people are just like you and me - working to better themselves like their predessors did in this land of opprotunity. That is not a crime." I am here from Canada and I played by the rules. Are you telling me that if American resident or citizens uses someone else's SSN it is identity theft but not for illegals? Have you read what it says on the back of your SSN? It states: "Improper use of this card or number by anyone is punishable by fine, imprisonment or both." It does not say it is okay for illegals to use to make a better life for themselves.