
order Watch: Minutemen will not put a dent in illegal immigration
May 22,2005
The Monitor View

The Minuteman Project might not have slowed the flow of illegal immigrants into this country, but the civilian border-watch group certainly gained a great deal of publicity in April when its members camped out on the Mexican border in Arizona. Now the Minutemen might be looking to repeat their success in South Texas. We hope they decide to stay home instead.

We’re not trying to be unfriendly; the Rio Grande Valley should always welcome visitors, even if we don’t agree with guests on every issue. While we welcome individuals who might be members of that group, we hope the Minutemen as a whole don’t try to set up shop along the border in South Texas.

As the Houston Chronicle reported recently, Minutemen leader Chris Simcox said members are thinking about conducting a similar border watch on the Rio Grande.

Although the group brings up some valid points â€â€