As session opens, immigration an issue for Kan. legislators
Story by The Associated Press

4:41 p.m. Saturday, January 12, 2008

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) - Inaction from the federal government has prompted states to tackle immigration issues, and Kansas will be no exception when the Legislature begins its annual session Monday.

Lawmakers have a crowded agenda that includes developing energy policy, helping more Kansans find affordable health insurance and drafting the annual budget for state government.

But, with all 40 senators and 125 House members facing elections this year, many believe their constituents will be frustrated if they don't tackle illegal immigration.

House Speaker Melvin Neufeld says people across the state think the state needs to do something about the issue.

Senate Minority Leader Anthony Hensley says lawmakers are frustrated, too, and unwilling to wait on Congress to deal with illegal immigrants.