Don't know if this should be posted in another section but here it is.

Edible Illegal Immigrants
December 19, 2006 01:00 PM EST

With the recent outbreaks of E.coli permeating through our fast food chains it makes one wonder what has happened that this is now so prevalent. Could it be that our food supply has become tainted by new methods in agriculture or is Mother Nature upset with how we are treating the earth and is exacting a little revenge upon us? First spinach, then onions and now lettuce are suspected in the widely publicized case of the bacteria infections associated with consuming food in a fast food establishment. The sadest thing is this produce probably accounts for most of the good nutritional value in the poly-uncircumcised fat laden products being consumed.

Through out all of the publicity given this subject a first has arisen where a cry for government regulation has been heralded by the growers. If one thinks the government’s intervention would produce a safer product for consumption then think again. This would require more inspections and certification of the food supply which in turn would require more inspection personnel and the facilities to test and validate said food supply. With little concern of bombs passing through our ports what chance do you think any concern will be placed on bacteria. If we can use the enforcement of immigration laws as an example of how well the government performs we are in deep trouble.

One of the things that have received little attention in the press is the import of produce into this nation. From all over the world and especially south of our border produce streams into our nation’s ports or is trucked through the border to wholesale produce houses across the nation. This produce is then stored with or in proximity to the American produce. When the little sticker with the 4 digit number is applied then all identity is lost at the point of sale unless it is noted on that sticker. CDC CSI is called in to get DNA swabs from the offending onion to determine who is the guilty vegetable.

What also receives little attention is the farming methods used in these countries exporting to our nation. Anyone that has traveled to Mexico has been warned not to drink the water and don’t eat the produce. Those that couldn’t wait for the bottled beverage or couldn’t resist the luscious looking salad paid the price with the stomach cramps and projectile diarrhea. In these countries the logic used in determining how to fertilize the soil is, “If it stinks it must be good.” Therefore the use of human fecal matter is not out of the question. There are supposedly federal guidelines requiring these exporting producers to adhere to our standards but again as in the case of Illegal Immigration, “We don’t care bout no stinkin laws.”

Those of you that cherish these green leafy vegetables will probably have a new appreciation for that old farmer you knew when you were growing up. Instead of the pretty flowers adorning your property or your porch there will be tomato plants and lettuce pots taking their place. Be forewarned and beware of the edible illegal immigrant.