Here is an example of what others do when confronted with governments that are instituting changes people don't want. This was a one day example, if there is no change there will be more. The strike comprised 1 million workers. France is a country of 50 odd million. For there to be an equivalent in the US, 6 million working people would have to agree to join the strike protest.

The solidarity of movements of this size, freed the eastern block for example and led to the demise of the Soviet Union.

You can disagree with the politics, but it would be hard to argue with the effect. It is a sharp tool.

WSWS : News & Analysis : Europe : France
One-day national strike in France: over a million march against Gaullist policies
By Antoine Lerougetel
6 October 2005 world socialist web site

Over a million workers struck and demonstrated on Tuesday in 150 towns all over France against the neo-liberal policies of the Gaullist government of President Jacques Chirac and Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin. The actions were called by all seven of the main trade union confederations and all the parties of the left, including the Socialist Party.

Workers took part to express opposition to declining wages and pensions, the dismantling of safeguards for workers in the Labour Code, new labour contracts making it easier for employers to sack workers, and steep cuts in unemployment entitlements. Other issues raised were the housing crisis, government harassment of immigrants, and police attacks on social protestsâ€â€