We can hope this is right. It would be great if Randy won.

http://tks.nationalreview.com/post/?q=O ... ExM2NlYmE=

A quick thought on Arizona 8th District and illegal immigration
11/03 01:43 PM
The Corner has a good collection of links to news stories covering the House race in the Arizona 8th District — Democrat Gabrielle Giffords vs. Republican Randy Graf. It's Kolbe's old seat, one of the races every observer is chalking up as an automatic Democratic pickup.

I've indicated that Republican Randy Graf is my Super Mega-Shocker Special What-The-Hell-Are-You-Smoking-Jim Upset Pick for 2006; I just figure the illegal immigration issue is huge, stirs passions, motivates voters, and that a lot of people may support a Minuteman, a hardline view, but don't want to tell it to a pollster or others for fear of being called racist, nativist, etc.

And as a candidate the state GOP wasn't eager to see to win the primary, Graf was seen as unelectable and expected to get blown out by 20-30 points. So the fact that he's not getting blown out, and is in fact down 12, 10, 8 suggested to me that maybe there's something going on out there.

On the other hand, if Graf does get blown out as expected, staunch opponents of illegal immigration are going to have a challenge persuading the GOP that their position is an electoral winner. It's easy to see the mentality taking root, "If opposing immigration couldn't help stave off a blowout in Tucson, Arizona, it's not going to help much anywhere else..."