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  1. #1
    Senior Member zeezil's Avatar
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    Invader Takes Cousin's ID, Becomes Cop

    Immigrant Takes Cousin's ID, Becomes Cop
    By CARRIE ANTLFINGER – 9 hours ago

    MILWAUKEE (AP) — Oscar Ayala-Cornejo followed the path that leads many red-blooded Americans to law enforcement. His family lived next to a crack house in Milwaukee, where he says he often heard gunshots and came home to find thieves had stolen the things that his father had worked hard to provide for his mother, older brother and sister.

    So he got excited when two officers visited his high school to recruit police aides. The doe-eyed 15-year-old decided he wanted to become a cop, maybe make things a little better than he had it growing up.

    "I wanted to change my neighborhood, to change other people's neighborhoods, so they could feel safe, you know," says Ayala, now 25. "Because I didn't feel safe."

    He wanted that, it turns out, badly enough to break the law.

    Though Ayala's family moved to Wisconsin in 1992 from Guadalajara, Mexico, he says he didn't realize until after he'd made up his mind to wear a badge that he was in the country illegally. He didn't know it until his father, Salvador, told him that if he wanted to be an officer, he would have to go back to Mexico and apply for citizenship, a process that can take at least 10 years.

    Ayala cried and soon his father, mother and brother wept, too.

    A few days later, his father found another option — one that would help Ayala get his dream job, but also would take it away and could cost him his freedom.

    His father's cousin, Carmen, who lived in Chicago, would allow Ayala to take the identity of her son, Jose Morales, who was born five months after Ayala in Illinois and died of stomach cancer when he was about 7.

    "That was the only option we had if we wanted to stay together," Ayala told The Associated Press recently.

    Before his junior year, Ayala — calling himself Morales — switched high schools. The 16-year-old cut his hair, replaced his glasses with contacts and got braces.

    In public, he called his parents aunt and uncle and his brother and sister cousins.

    It wasn't easy adjusting to a new name and birthday. But the toughest part was not identifying his mami and papi in front of others.

    "That really hurt," he says. "Those are my parents."

    He was nervous that his true identity would be discovered when he applied to be a police aide at 17, but he had also established a work history at two clothing stores and an electronics store.

    After he graduated in 2001, he entered the police aide program and stopped looking over his shoulder.

    "Everybody at work, people at school, everyone I met would call me Jose so eventually that was me," he says. "Besides my family, no one else called me Oscar."

    He became an officer in December 2004, about 10 months after his father died of leukemia. Eventually, he worked in the same district as his brother, Alex, a fellow officer who was born in the U.S.

    And he found it rewarding.

    Ayala and his partner once took a knife from a suicidal man on Christmas, he says. Another time, he found a 2-year-old boy walking alone and went door to door until he found his parents. He was helping people, and doing it by the book — except for his secret.

    Ayala says he never told anyone about his true identity. But on Feb. 20, an anonymous caller informed Special Agent Russell Dykema of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement that officer Jose Morales was really Oscar Ayala-Cornejo, an illegal immigrant.

    Dykema spent more than two months comparing data in immigration databases and school records. He even compared yearbook photos.

    Ayala was arrested May 31 by two sergeants who took him to the training academy and eventually the immigration office with shackles and handcuffs, where Dykema and another agent explained what they knew.

    "I thought I was going to retire and live happily ever after, pay my taxes and all," he says. "It didn't cross my mind at all ... not until that moment."

    He sat in jail for a few days, his mind racing: "Who told? Why are they doing this to me? What will happen next? What will happen to my family? How long will I be here? Will someone know I'm a cop in here? What would my father think?"

    When he couldn't answer the questions, he started sobbing.

    Ayala was charged with falsely representing himself to be a citizen. Two weeks later he agreed to a plea deal.

    He could get a year in a federal prison when he is sentenced Monday, or he could get probation.

    Assistant U.S. Attorney Mel Johnson said Ayala's position gave him access to weapons and confidential information, although there was no indication he had abused either privilege.

    "When our identity systems lack integrity it's a serious issue," ICE spokesman Tim Counts said. "It's a community safety issue. It's a national security issue."

    No one from the Milwaukee Police Department is commenting because Ayala is no longer employed there.

    His brother likely will be out of a job soon, too.

    The department fired Alex Ayala-Cornejo, a five-year veteran, in September for withholding information about his brother. He's appealing.

    Oscar Ayala once wondered who the informant was and what the motives were. He didn't think he had an enemy.

    Now, he accepts the consequences.

    After he leaves prison, he will be permanently deported. His girlfriend of a year plans to follow him to Mexico.

    "The cards that we were dealt just weren't the best ones," he said. "If I wouldn't have done this, I would still be in Mexico waiting to see if I could ever see my family." ... AD8T38V880
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  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    UT ..just ONE illegal is too many, let’s start w/the usurper & his cronies..!! ;)
    Just ONE reason our immigration laws aren’t enforced! But just how many IA’s are working here as police..!

    Hello, Homeland Security? Anybody home..?!


    And ..out of all this CHAOS, 25 Americans are KILLED EVERYDAY BY illegals!

    12 by MURDER, 13 by Manslaughter.. This equals to 9,125 plus.. PREVENTABLE deaths per year, EVERY year!

    That’s THREE TIMES the casualties of the Iraq war in ONE THIRD the time..


    THREE ‘911’ casualties in ONE year, EVERY year! [One of MANY sources] Remember, these are PREVENTABLE deaths!

    *Just a SMALL compilation of those KILLED! :

    ..AND.. The ‘Dark Side’ of illegal migration ..


    AND.. For those who haven’t seen this, check out this VERY informative and enlightening 13 minute video from, SOLELY about LEGAL immigration! It's a *MUST SEE* for ALL! [OVER 2.6 MILLION hits, so far.. in google.. ] ... susa&hl=en

    What he DIDN’T talk about, and something VERY important to *Remember*.. is that illegal MIGRATION is 3-4 times this toll!


    Yes.. LA is in trouble!

    Here's a bit I've heard off Kevin James and Terry Anderson's radio shows, [see the radio links below..]

    Walter Moore!

    SAVE Los Angeles! ‘Senor’ Antonio NEEDS the boot, NOW!

    Los Angeles’s Police Chief: Bill Bratton? Bad Guy!!


    **REALISTIC Presidential candidates: Gentlemen w/integrity!

    *Tom Tancredo! !
    *Duncan Hunter !
    *Ron Paul !


    NO Democrat presidential candidate can save this nation, despite so-called ‘Republican’ Bush giving the party a stink! [ BOTH parties contribute to La Raza (THE Race), Mecha, LULAC, etc etc etc.. ]. So if you want to contribute, do so to the candidate, NOT the party!

    See.. about 70% of Republicans are AGAINST illegal migration ETC, whereas approximately the same percentage of Democrats are FOR that chaos! In the last election, a lot of people THOUGHT that by voting 'democrat', they'd stop this mayhem, but voting all ‘one’ party?!

    ..And watch out for Giuliani (whose law firm is the sole representative of Cintra, the Spanish firm with a 50-year contract on the NAFTA Superhighway in Texas), Fred Thompson (CFR member), Sen. John Cornyn (who introduced a meld-with-Mexico bill until World Net Daily confronted him; it was withdrawn . . .), Sen. Chris Dodd (who inserted a last-minute provision in the failed immigration bill that a border fence must have Mexico's approval), and, of course, Bill Richardson.

    And Romney? ..better than ANY democrat, BUT.. he wants to INCREASE legal immigration! What?! of the 1.2 MILLION visas granted ANNUALLY, 1/2 to 2/3 of those are exploited by the greedy business lobby just so a business can say they’ve hired a ‘legal’ alien, NOT to mention paying them MUCH less thus DEPRESSING our wages even further?!

    [.. SEE NumbersUSA's 13min video above ..]

    So if you believe that ALL 'legal' foreign workers are here because they do the jobs that 'Americans won't or can't do' ..go watch this: "Our goal is clearly NOT to find a qualified and interested US worker" [Larry Lebowitz, VP Marketing and Attorney, Cohen & Grigsby 5-15-07] ..

    And McCain?Forget Traitor McCain!!

    Oh.. Did I forget to mention to visit: a MUST!

    *LOOK at your congressional persons scorecard. How did he/she vote? Are they working FOR or AGAINST this Nation? ..or just plain ignorant?!

    *..and SEE the Pres candidates scorecards: a MUST!! Uhh.. We’re talking about our Country’s SOVEREIGNTY here!!!

    *DON'T forget the most important page.. PAGE TWO! ... _gop2.html

    ..then tell ALL your friends and family about the above links, to tell ALL of THEIR friends and family, etc etc etc..

    We CAN stop this CHAOS!! just DO it!

    Nice day all!


    Great Radio! ... ic&t=85728

    AND.. ... ic&t=76263

    Be sure to call and write these guys and give them your stories and info, they depend on you too..!


    DON’T call illegal aliens what the liberal left OBL [open borders lobby] WANT you to call them at best: illegal immigrants.

    There's NO such thing as an illegal immigrant!

    The ACCURATE term is an ILLEGAL: [size=150][i][b]“ALIEN, MIGRANT or FOREIGN NATIONAL.â€
    Last edited by Jean; 08-27-2013 at 04:38 PM.
    No need for ‘mass roundups’, simply ENFORCE EXISTING law*& MANDATE the worker ID, ..but SEVEN amnesties? Hmm, WHO cried wolf?!

  3. #3
    Senior Member SicNTiredInSoCal's Avatar
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    Aug 2007
    Mexico's Maternity Ward :(
    His parents should have taken the proper steps to get thier son and themselves legal as soon as they got here (actually before) and this whole mess could have been avoided. Sounds like the kid was trying to do good, just went the wrong way about doing it. If the laws here had been enforced, this may have had a better outcome.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    On the border
    Yes this is sad but he has his parents to blame for it all, they're the ones who brought him over illegally!
    If they had went about things the right way none of this would have happened. True it would have taken longer but better that than living in fear all your life and putting your kids through this kind of hell.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

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