The immigration issue
Discussion dominates public hearing

Originally published October 03, 2007

By Meg Bernhardt
News-Post Staff

The immigration issue

Photo by Skip Lawrence

Becky Fogle protests in front of City Hall on Tuesday evening.

A proposal to prevent illegal immigrants from receiving public benefits in Frederick County dominated a county commissioners' hearing Tuesday night.

More than 50 people attended the hearing, the first opportunity for residents to comment on the commissioners' ideas for 2008 legislative priorities. There was standing room only in City Hall, where the commissioners had moved the meeting to accommodate more people.

The majority of speakers were opposed to Commissioner Charles Jenkins' proposal, saying it is already creating racism against Hispanic citizens. Others said they do not want to be burdened by the mistakes of the federal government by paying for services for those here illegally.

Becky Fogle, a lifelong county resident, held picket signs in front of City Hall as people streamed in before the hearing. She said she supports Jenkins' proposal, and represents blue collar workers who believe immigration enforcement should be stronger but are too scared or unmotivated to say anything.

"That's the class that's being affected by the illegals coming here," Fogle said. "They're crowding the criminal system, draining social services and overcrowding the schools."

Fogle sells insurance and is working to get a nursing degree. She asked others who agree with her to speak to the commissioners next week as they debate which priorities to bring to Frederick County's state lawmakers.

Many members of the Frederick County branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People spoke against the proposal. They were joined by church leaders, the county's Human Relations Commission and Latino advocacy groups.

Branch President Guy Djoken said he has reservations about the proposal.

"Without any actual data sustaining his view, (Jenkins) is embarking on a campaign at odds with the current laws and his oath of office," Djoken said.

Implementing Jenkins' proposal will require county agencies to either reduce quality of life or resort to racial profiling, he said. The NAACP plans to continue supporting hard-working people who have committed no crimes.

"The NAACP and its partners will stand firm to protect their rights and make sure that nobody is treated differently because they look a certain way or have a different accent," Djoken said.

Eugenia Juarez, a U.S. citizen who lives in Buckeystown, cried as she told the commissioners about her experience at a local Laundromat on Sunday. She walked by and said hello to two men looking at her and was surprised to hear them use a slur against her.

"'We don't need any beaners around here,'" she said they muttered. "I don't think this is the right way to treat people. They don't know who I am, they don't know what I've done."

She said she didn't want her children to go to school and be treated differently because of the way they looked.

"This law makes people feel they are not welcome and not wanted," she said. "I am a U.S. citizen. I was born here. I am proud of this country."

The commissioners will decide in the next month what to include in their 2008 legislative package. After that, the commissioners will meet with Frederick County's eight-member Annapolis delegation of state senators and delegates in a breakfast Nov. 5 to discuss the details.

The delegation will then hold its own public hearing. Remaining bills are submitted to the Maryland General Assembly.

Frederick is unlike many Maryland counties in that has not enacted home rule, a system of government that can provide more power to local leaders to pass laws.

Under the existing form of government, the county's five commissioners are granted executive power and lack broad legislative power. Each year, they send bills for approval to Annapolis.

Commissioners President Jan Gardner wants to limit the number of priorities the commissioners propose this year, since most of the legislative session will likely be spent discussing taxes and balancing the budget. The county should focus on a few key bills and on preventing cuts to local governments, she has said.

In addition to immigration, the commissioners are considering bills on topics ranging from open government to toll roads to financial report filing.