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When 30 illegal immigrants were found locked inside a small two-bedroom apartment earlier this week – allegedly held against their will – the U.S. government investigated.

They then charged Walter Martinez-Malgar with conspiracy to harbor illegal immigrants.

The investigation and the charges reinforce the enormous problem of human smuggling and illegal immigrants here in Houston.

But the incident also revealed that immigrant detention centers nationwide are dealing with a severe overcrowding problem.

11 News was granted rare access to the immigrant detention center near Intercontinental Airport in April when dozens of immigrants were being flown back to their home countries.

Because of overcrowding, they’re being sent back at a record pace.
The U.S. government wants three of the illegal immigrants found in the apartment to stay in Houston to testify against Martinez-Malgar.

But why?

Motion-to-detain documents state the ICE has advised their alien detainee capacity has become strained because of problems within the Houston Division and within the Southern District of Texas. They also state the overflow of detainees from the area to Houston requires ICE to begin deportation of these aliens in an expeditious manner.

In other words, prosecutors worry the men will be deported before they can help the U.S. win its case against Martinez-Malgar.

A federal judge agreed and ordered the three men to be help here in Houston in a downtown jail for at least 30 days so they can be deposed.

Pressure has led President Bush to dump the old “catch and releaseâ€