Follow New Mexico's Lead On Immigration


by Jon E. Dougherty

JEFFERSON CITY, MO -- ( and OfficialWire) -- 08/15/05 -- New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson has had enough of the federal government's inaction regarding chronic border security problems he is experiencing in his state. So last Friday he did the only thing left for him to do: He declared a state of emergency so he himself could take care of the problem. Let's applaud him, and loudly.

Describing a border region endangered by drug trafficking and "devastated" by illegal immigration, Richardson, in his declaration, said the area has been destroyed by " the ravages and terror of human smuggling, drug smuggling, kidnapping, murder, destruction of property, and the death of livestock."

He said the "situation is out of hand," and promised as much as $1.75 million in state funds to state and local authorities to shore up border security. Of his state's 180-mile common border with Mexico, Richardson said it "is in an extreme state of disrepair and is inadequately funded or safeguarded to protect the lives and property of New Mexican citizens."

Richardson is a former Clinton administration Democrat who, like others of his party, now understands the implications of continuing to allow our borders to remain unprotected, especially in this age of international terrorism. His being Hispanic ought to lend even more credibility to the issue.

His actions are already having a ripple effect among border states. Neighboring Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano, also a Democrat, " is considering taking steps similar to a state of emergency declared" by Richardson, Tucson CBS affiliate KOLD-TV has reported. That says something, considering Napolitano has been no friend of immigration reform advocates in her state – though her change of heart could be due to a challenge by a Republican gubernatorial candidate who is intent on making rampant illegal immigration a centerpiece of his campaign to unseat her next year.

Richardson's motives could also be purely political. After all the Democrats' unofficial 2008 presidential candidate, Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York, has even gone conservative on the illegal immigration issue. She knows it is the one issue which most Americans, regardless of political affiliation, agree is out of hand.

But whatever is behind this new declaration, it is long overdue. New Mexicans, Californians, Arizonans and Texans have all suffered the disgrace of our nation's unspoken open borders policy long enough.

Leftist immigration advocates will decry New Mexico's declaration, but one visit to the border and you will be convinced Richardson is right. I spent several weeks along the border in each state while researching my book, Illegals: The Imminent Threat Posed by Our Unsecured U.S.-Mexico Border. I witnessed the destruction first-hand. I heard from border residents angered by the federal government's lack of attention. I saw how easy it is for terrorists to infiltrate our largely unguarded, 2,000-mile southwest border. And I heard the frustration in the voices of Border Patrol agents who are trying in vain to maintain a thin green line of protection.

Richardson's declaration is much more than a political stunt. It is a watershed event which can no longer be ignored by the elites in Washington, D.C. And I am hoping it is a declaration of war against anyone – within government and without – who is opposed to curbing illegal immigration; human, drug and weapons trafficking; and leaving our borders wide open for terrorists.

Americans have pleaded with their leaders for years to enforce immigration laws and tighten borders. Americans have reasoned with federal and state legislators. They have presented remarkable statistics proving the need to strengthen border controls. They have patiently waited for action.

But the time for reasoned response is past. In fact, Richardson's declaration is the most rational reaction to our border crisis in a very long, long time.

Let's hope his bravery and initiative are repeated throughout our border states. It's become obvious the federal government has no intention of stepping up to the plate.