Republican proposes immigration laws
Updated: 05/16/2008 07:30 AM
By: Tim Boyum

Immigration remains a hot topic nationwide but it's getting a cool reception at the North Carolina legislature. Republicans want new legislation but Democrats say it's a federal issue.

RALEIGH -- Immigration remains a hot topic nationwide but it's getting a cool reception at the North Carolina legislature. Generally, Republicans want to pass new laws, but Democrats believe it's a federal government issue.

Lawmakers will likely focus on very little outside the budget this session but several Republicans want the state to take action on immigration.

"We're taking on a tremendous burden displacing our children in our educational facilities," Sen. Robert Pittenger, R-Mecklenburg, said. "Our hospitals are crowded. You can't talk to a sheriff in this state where he won't tell you that the greatest need and concern he has deals with illegals."

Pittenger's proposed bill prevents illegal immigrants from getting public services like health care. It also puts restrictions companies who knowingly hire illegal immigrants.

Democrats control the legislature and Pittenger believes his bill will never reach the Senate floor.

"The legislative leadership here, the Democratic leadership, has not allowed this bill to get out of committee and they certainly won't allow any debate on the floor about it," Sen. Pittenger added.

Democrats argue the solution sits in Washington, D.C.

"You talk about all the state issues as much as you want but the root of the problem is at the federal level," Sen. Walter Dalton, D-Rutherford, said. "The federal government's going to have to step up and do something to address the issue."

Most Democrats at the state Legislature not only feel it's a federal issue, they feel they've done everything they can here in North Carolina.

"We can't build a fence between here and South Carolina or Tennessee or Virginia, but the the federal government has got to resolve this once and for all and quit blaming the states," Sen. David Hoyle, D-Gaston, said.

Democrats believe new laws, such as new driver's license laws and giving sheriff's offices more authority to check for immigration status, are having success. Republicans argue it's not enough.

We should point out that Sen. Pittenger and Sen. Dalton are opponents on the ballot for lieutenant governor this fall.