As a steadfast socialist, Obama is 100% devoted to the one thing that unites them all… he is committed to the Big Lie

Is Impeachment Inevitable?

By Fred Dardick
Friday, October 29, 2010

Forgive me for being skeptical, but I just don’t see Obama getting the message after the Democrats get their tails handed to them in the coming elections. To perceive and learn from failure requires a certain amount of character, humility and ability for personal examination, and let’s be real… Obama isn’t that type of guy.

So what’s he going to do when his party gets stomped by an angry American electorate? Admit he’s wrong? Apologize for error of his ways? Beg for forgiveness? Yeah, right, and I’m the King of Spain.

Committed ideologue doesn’t do Obama justice. Brainwashed fool seems insufficient. Brain dead Marxist lunatic is more like it… and a lazy one at that (how about another round of golf, champ?).

As a steadfast socialist, Obama is 100% devoted to the one thing that unites them all… he is committed to the Big Lie.

The Big Lie says that intentions mean more important than results, which is only natural considering socialist results are always disastrous.

The economy is tanking because of out-of-control wealth redistribution? (Just give it more time.) Senators and Representatives need to be bribed to pass legislation? (What’s a few hundred million between friends?) Billions and billions and billions of taxpayer dollars flushed down the toilet? (Yes we can!)

For those who worship the Big Lie, things like removing the words “by their Creatorâ€