Three more immigrants found in desert heat

  PHOENIX (AP) – Deputies found three illegal immi*grants in the desert about 50 miles west of here Wednesday, a day after authorities discov*ered as many as 100 immi*grants abandoned by smug*glers in temperatures that ex*ceeded 110 degrees.
  Deputies were continuing their search after immigrants told them three people had died in the desert; no bodies had been found as of Wednes*day afternoon.
  The three immigrants found Wednesday gave them*selves up after walking to In*terstate 10, said Lt. Paul Chagolla, a spokesman for the Maricopa County sheriff ’s of*f ice.
  Twenty-five of the immi*grants found Tuesday and three deputies were hospital*ized. Most had been released by Wednesday, but one, a woman, remained in critical condition and three others were in serious condition. Many illegal immigrants had been treated at the scene for heat-related illnesses.