The video, which was recorded in Spanish but has subtitles in English, reveals the following conversation in different versions for each bank:

Bank: Good morning.
Caller: This is the situation. I am living in the United States, but I don't have documents. I am not living here legally. I would like to live in Tijuana. I have the consular card. Can I open an account with this type of ID.

Bank: No. You need a Mexican passport or federal ID.

Caller: So the matricula is not considered?

Bank: By itself. No.

"It is very revealing that Mexican banks have enough sense to refuse these cards but American banks don't," said ALIPAC's William Gheen. "We applaud this video, which shows us proof that Mexican banks are refusing to accept matricula cards issued by the Mexican government to illegals in our country.

"We hope many American banks will take note and stop accepting the matriculas," said Gheen, who encourages people to visit the BankofAmericaBoycott site and join in the boycott. plz visit the site.