John McCain: La Raza’s voice in Washington

By Michelle Malkin • February 4, 2008 01:46 PM

The McCain campaign continues to perpetuate its Big Lie in the run-up to Super Tuesday. And thanks to MSM enablers and open-borders Republicans rooting for a McCain win, voters are swallowing the Big Lie. The Big Lie is that McCain can be trusted on immigration and border security. Dinocrat reports that the McCain campaign called him again and left a recorded message touting the shamnesty promoter’s border security credentials. Here’s the text of the call:

On the issue of immigration there is no debate that our borders are broken. There are 12 million people here illegally. I’ve listened are learned. We must secure our borders first and restore trust and confidence in our government. As President, I’ll hire new border patrol guards, build a fence, ask governors to certify that their borders are secure. The two million people who have committed crimes will be deported immediately. No one will be rewarded for illegal behavior. They’ll go the the back of the line, pay fines and learn English. For those already in our country, there will be no special privileges, and we’ll punish employers who hire illegal immigrants. We’ll be humane and compassionate, but we will be firm. It’s a matter of national security.

According to the WaPo/ABC News poll released this weekend, 47% of respondents said McCain was the candidate they trusted most on immigration; 22% said Romney; 10% chose Huckabee; and 5% went with Paul.

If those voters knew about Juan Hernandez and Jerry Perenchio, McCain would be in single-digit Paul territory.

You want straight talk? McCain’s tongue says he’s “listened and learned.â€