Geraldo Presents Positive Latino Images

Vida en el Valle, News Report, MartĂ*n E. Martinez, Posted: May 18, 2008

SACRAMENTO -- Several months ago, two Latino children came home from school in Oregon crying and telling their father that their classmates had made fun of them, calling them 'Border Jumpers.'

The children, ages 5 and 7, asked their father what the words meant.

Both are American citizens and know little Spanish. They had been judged by the color of their skin.

That's one example of the anti-immigrant climate that has affected legal and illegal immigrants throughout the country -- a problem that has been exacerbated by the English-language media, according to journalist Gerardo Rivera's book 'HIS-PANIC.'

The well-known journalist and television personality, who is Puerto Rican, made a presentation of his book last week at the state Capitol.

Rivera, who has a program on the Fox television network about immigration, said Latinos have been victimized by other ethnic groups who have erroneous ideas about them based on what they watch on television.

"Programs like Lou Dobbs that are devoted to showing the bad side of immigrants, are among the reasons why American society is so against our people. In my 40 years as a television anchor this is the first time I see these situations that are prompted by comments from people like (Dobbs)," said Rivera.

Television programs and personalities not only influence society's point of view, but also politicians in many states, he said.

Rivera cited Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's refusal to grant driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants or to approve the Dream Act, which would give rights to undocumented immigrants who are college students.

"Schwarzenegger is a good friend of mine, but I must say that his refusal to sign these laws is influenced by everything you hear in the media and people who are anti-immigrant," he said.

He added that the same thing happens in Washington, where Congress and the Bush administration have been unable to reach a compromise on immigration reform or to approve a federal Dream Act.

"What the media has done against Latinos is incredible. We are, like blacks were in the past, being judged only by the color of our skin," Rivera said.

The media's bias against Latinos pops up all the time, he said, citing an incident in New York earlier this year involving a gang killing.

Initially, the story was downplayed. But days later it was learned that one of those involved was an undocumented immigrant from PerĂș. Only then did it become a big story and the crime was harshly denounced.

"This is an example of how the media hurts Latinos; they always emphasize the negative and never talk about all the positive things we bring to this country," Rivera said.

Another reason which was harshly attacked for Latinos, according to Rivera, is because they are the fastest growing minority in the country and that frightens many Americans who fear being displaced.

Hence the title of his book 'HIS-PANIC,' which is a pun meaning 'his fear.'

"Latinos are changing the demographics of this country. Many states that traditionally did not receive immigrants have experienced a high number in recent years and this has scared Americans," he said.

Rivera said some of the adverse comments against Latinos is that they don't work or pay taxes and are only here to get money from the government. All of that is false, he said.

"The undocumented pay taxes, of course. There have been studies indicating that they contribute billions of dollars to government coffers. The mere fact they work means their employer withholds taxes from their paycheck that end up with the government. This is like a gift from the undocumented to the government," Rivera said.

He said he hopes his television program will show all the positive things about Latinos, including their hard work, devotion to their family, their moral values and their contribution to society.

"We have been likened to criminals and terrorists, but the truth is that so far we have not been shown any Latino terrorists. According to surveys, we are the group with the lowest crime rate because we came here to work, not to make trouble," he said. ... fc653ba867