The irony within

When I first saw the headline with the "Elvira" lead-in, I thought the story was about "Elvira" the scary movie host gone "bats." Upon closer examination I find it is about a professional illegal alien protester/activist protesting her disdain for our immigration laws. Here is the irony in this story.

We now have in the United States of America "illegal aliens" telling us our immigration laws are "illegal."

On TV this morning I see more "illegal aliens" carrying signs and telling us we have to bring twice deported Elvira back across the border, make her a saint, give her a TV program, add her to Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's harem and put her at the head of the "Citizenship Line."

Preposterousness has taken over and is the "new hug" for "America Haters."

Michael Canzano ... st_emailed