If you can, call Isakson's and Chambliss' offices and tell them not to endorse McCain because McCain supports amnesty:

"Governator" Arnold Schwarzenegger To Endorse John McCain
January 30, 2008 11:53 p.m. EST

Leslie Tennant - AHN Contributor
Simi Valley, CA (AHN) - California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is slated to announce his endorsement of Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) on Thursday. Sources close to the McCain's inner circle tell CNN that talks with Schwarzenegger have been "progressing and productive."

Just as Gov. Charlie Crist's endorsement provided a helping hand to scoring a victory in Florida, Schwarzenegger's endorsement could win McCain California's 170 delegates.

Two of Georgia's Republican senators, Johnny Isakson and Saxby Chambliss, are expected to add to the steady stream of support within the next two days according to GOP sources participating in the planning.

California and Georgia are just two of the 22 states participating in nomination.
