Doug Wrenn
More On The Bush-Mexico-China Triangle
By Doug Wrenn
Dec 14, 2005, 18:37

I should really stop reading in bed late at night. Sometimes it is impedes, rather than induces sleep. Last night was no different. To try to keep up with the plethora of newspapers and magazines I subscribe to, I encountered some very disturbing articles related to our immigration problems with Mexico, our multi-faceted problems with China, and our treasonous President whose goals for these these issues have nothing to do with the security and prosperity of the nation that elected him, but rather, a dreamy, loopy, erroneously utopian globalist agenda, lightly seasoned with outright cowardice.

It occurred to me that in Washington, as in the very leftist, yet upper right hand corner of our country, we can always count on the seasons changing, but not much else. In the course of perusing The Washington Times National Weekly Edition, Human Events, The American Conservative, as well as Roll Call, The Hill, The Weekly Standard, and a few others, I thought of a previous article that I wrote in August of this year, "Mexico, China, Bush And Betrayal." At that time, I never even entertained the thought of a sequel. Silly me. Of the issues I cited in that article, nothing has changed other than the fact that the situations I cited have worsened, in spite of the what the Executive Blow Bag and his sidekick spinners have to say. But giving credit where credit is due, there has been some change since then. There is snow on the ground here now. They say that the snow purifies the air. If so, I hope it purifies President Bush, the Congress, and the various other Beltway hacks. Now, after only a short, but active four month sabbatical, here is the previously unintended, but necessary and updated version of the sordid laundry list of compromises, deals, and threats to our sovereignty and security:

Mingling With Mexico

Bush's former White House aid, Julie L. Myers, of seriously questionable credentials has not yet been confirmed to ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement). (What is it with this guy and unqualified women named Miers or Myers?) Congress is delaying for good reason. Julie Myers is to ICE what Michael Brown was to FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). Meanwhile, during the delay, Congress is considering merging ICE with CBP (Customs & Border Protection), but that agency's chief, Robert C. Bonner, has already resigned to return to private law practice. Apparently, chasing ambulances is easier and more lucrative than chasing illegal immigrants. Meanwhile, two agencies within the Department of Homeland Security remain as lacking in leadership as the Oval Office. Cronies come with politics. That's life, but unqualified cronies should not be given government plum jobs with willy-nilly fashion, in significant agencies that deal with the very serious task of protecting lives.

Speaking of ICE, a story recently broke out of Houston, Texas, in which it now appears that ICE has stopped investigating "sham" marriages of illegal immigrants and suspected terrorists to US citizens to attain US citizenship and slide under the radar. Not too cool, ICE!

While the US/Mexican border is becoming increasingly more violent, now female illegal Mexican immigrants are being forced to pay immigrants smugglers large sums of money to get across the border, only to then be raped and sodomized in increasing numbers once isolated in the desert. Accounts from some of the Minutemen were that they heard screams in the desert at night that they mistook for prairie animals, such as coyotes, etc..One sound no one is hearing yet is the screams of protests from feminist groups, as liberal as groups that support illegal immigration. Apparently, liberal ideology, much like our presidential liberal idiot, know no boundaries.

$4 Million of our taxes is now earmarked by Congress to go to "La Raza," a Hispanic advocacy group that resembles a wolf in sheep's clothing. The group's web site speaks in soft, innocuous terms about "undocumented" citizens and helping immigrants through assistance, and policy analysis for civil rights, housing, education, etc,,. but the group also supports giving driver licenses and free college tuition to illegals, banning local and state law enforcement from enforcing federal immigration law, making voting ballots bilingual, etc.. La Raza (Which means "The Race") will receive four times more money than the Special Olympics, while opposing legislation that protects and enforces our borders, and usurping current immigration laws. Who waved the magic wand and dubbed Hispanics the chosen people? Why aren't voting ballots required to also be written in Japanese, German, Italian, French, Polish, Greek, Swahili, Farsi, etc...? Isn't that also discrimination? How many languages should be included? And in how many dialects? Where do we draw the line? Don't other immigrants speak languages other than Spanish? And..."The Race"???? What "race"? Aren't we multi-cultural now? Diverse? If I started a group called "White, Male, Heterosexual, Christian Conservative of European Descent," not only would I not get $4 million dollars of YOUR money, but I would probably be investigated by the FBI for starting a hate group. So, what is the difference? Nothing in the US Constitution under Article 1, Section 8 states that the Congress shall dole out appropriations of money for any advocacy group, or for purposes of housing, as this money is so allocated, including those comprised of legal AMERICANS!

Homeland Security Director Michael Chertoff vowed to catch and deport every illegal alien. I chuckled at that hypocrisy then. Meanwhile, only OTM's (Other Than Mexicans) are being deported. Mexican illegals are given a summons with a court date. For crying out loud, will someone please yell, "Peek-a-boo!," so these clowns in Washington open their eyes!!!! President Bush decries this "catch and release" program, but with a wink and a nod to preserve his guest worker amnesty program and signed agreement with the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) to further make our borders with Mexico and Canada porous in 2010, he is not making too fine a point of it. Congress, meanwhile, is looking at the matter, but says that catch and release will take at least year to fix. Somehow, I don't think President Eisenhower and General Swing needed a year to round up all those illegals in the 1950's with "Operation Wetback," but back then the American taxpayer wasn't asked to fund a "bridge to nowhere" in Alaska, either.

Both President Bush and the Congress have substantially cut the numbers previously pledged to increase Border Patrol Agents and detention beds for captured illegals. Window dressing!

Some within the Congress, including Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) are seeking legislation to build a fence on the border. That idea, too is facing opposition. By time such a bill gets signed, if at all, the fence will have turnstiles in it, and our embassies will be issuing tokens!

Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA) is seeking to double current immigration quotas, already at 900,000 in 2004. We need to institute a moratorium on all legal immigration until we get a handle on the illegal immigration. Doubling those numbers is just more gas on the fire and more strain on resources that this country cannot handle at this time. But, OK, fair enough. However, I would take it step farther. At the border crossing, show all those entering immigrants a Pennsylvania license plate, bearing the motto, "You have a friend in Pennsylvania." Then give them all directions to Philadelphia, point them in the right direction, and remind them all to say "Gracias" and "Hola" to their new clueless, liberal "amigo,", "Senor' Specter." (And you wonder why President Bush supported Specter, and not his conservative Republican Primary opponent, Pat Toomey?)

While President Bush, almost tongue in cheek, now finally speaks to immigration reforms to placate us, such as he did with catch and release, and more funding for border security, he continues to promote his guest worker and amnesty plan. Forget all the drivel about reform. We cannot and will not ever have true reform while those issues remain on the table. How many more Mexican citizens have to be allowed to collect US endangered Social Security benefits before we finally, and in unison yell, "ENOUGH!"?

Two men have been arrested by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (As the song goes, "these are a few of my favorite things!"), or BATF, for trafficking in weapons to Mexican nationals, and smugglers of illegals and drugs across our very porous US/Mexican border. No tokens needed for them.

Congress is looking at possibly amending the Constitution (14th Amendment), which is the loophole which provides babies born here by illegals to attain US citizenship. The current situation is a further strain on our country's economy, and border hospitals are going bankrupt, giving medical care to female illegals in labor, who have their babies here to attain a US birth certificate, and then flee back over the border, without paying the bill. Then organizations like "La Raza" come in to re-unify families across the border, regardless of legal or illegal immigration status. And, as we have all come to know, anyone opposing such policies are automatically "racists" and "xenophobes." This loophole was originally created with the intention of allowing birthright to children of slaves born on US soil. There is a big difference between granting such rights to someone whom we dragged here against their will, vs. someone who is a knowing "invader," and violates our laws and sovereignty with arrogant defiance, and impunity thanks to support from do-gooders among us with convoluted allegiance.

The 18th Street Gang, is a notorious and bloodthirsty street gang in Los Angeles. Two thirds of its membership are now illegal immigrants. The growing MS-13 gang, now estimated at 20,0000 strong and in over 30 states, is also comprised of many illegal immigrants, mostly from El Salvador. MS-13 has also recently made death threats to the Minutemen, the citizen watchdog group that volunteers to monitor our borders with little more than lawn chairs, cell phones and binoculars. Yes, these are the same people President Bush called, "vigilantes." In the coming Congress, watch for legislation requiring training, certification, and permits to possess and use lawn chairs, binoculars and cell phones, to combat such rampant "vigilantism." I'll take a patriotic "vigilante" securely seated in a lawn chair, over a bumbling, globalist, chameleon of a president who cannot even remain upright on his bicycle and off the ground any day!

Cowering From China

While visiting Beijing, Present Bush pandered in the land of the Panda to the Chi-Coms, once again showing, his fear and timidity of the big, red dragon. Just as he backed down from the downing of our EP-3 plane by
China in April of 2001, and gave harsh double talk to our friend and ally, Taiwan when the Chinese came 'a calling a couple years ago. This time, Bush attended services in one of the only five allowed and registered Protestant Churches in the city, saying, "My hope is that the government of China will not fear the Christians, but gather to worship openly. " Ironically, the alleged leader of the free world forgot to conclude his remarks on one knee, saying "Pretty please with sugar on top!" Christians and Catholics in particular, in China have gone underground, in unsuccessful attempts to avoid getting caught from relentless persecution of beatings, torture, imprisonment and death for possessing or distributing Bibles, worshipping, or preaching. Just days before Bush's arrival, a priest and ten seminarians were arrested, and apparently, forgotten. Churches in China must first meet government approval and subsequent registration. OK, I'll say it: "Peek-a-boo! Open your eyes, now, Mr, President. Can we say 'censorship'?" Funny how we can send $15 million to Africa for the alleged prevention of AIDS and consider that "human rights," but human rights are no longer human rights when Christians are concerned, not even from this evangelical President. That's OK. Coming from such a Christian whose White House Christmas card this year refers to a "happy holiday season," I guess I can't expect too much. Bush in China again, coddled the leaders, as he did when he visited Putin in Russia. This so- called leader is easier to read than Kindergarten text book with illustrations, and it is vividly clear to see when he is scared out of those west Texas boots and when he knows when he is out of his league.

China is now increasing arms sales to various countries in turbulent Latin America, and cozying up to barbaric, ant-American dictators like Cuba's Castro, and Venezuela's Chavez. China has also ventured into space exploration (presumably for military reasons in view of its enormous recent and increasing military build-up), and is now working with Brazil on a joint satellite venture into space. It is doubtful that both governments hare a passion for Astronomy.

After recently failing, but still trying, to corner the oil market, China has succeeded in making many in-roads to many big name US corporations, and industries, many of which China now either owns or significantly controls. Most recent: China now makes and exports more computers and Internet technology products than us. That is probably no coincidence, as China has been working on project of cyber warfare, which if perfected and implemented, could wipe out many of our intelligence and military computer systems before an attack, and that is old news!

China has tried to persuade other countries friendly to us, and most recently, as of just a few months ago, Australia, to side with China, and not the US when, not if, the inevitable showdown over Taiwan comes to fruition. Gratefully, and predictably, our old, loyal, and good friends, the Australians diplomatically told China to go pound rice, although maybe not in so many words. China is currently seeking to dominate various zones around the globe to weaken and impede any US military response to an invasion of Taiwan, with or without an international or regional alliance.

A Chinese spy has recently been arrested and it has been disclosed that for 22 years, he has been handing over sensitive US Navy data pertaining to technology, weapons systems, etc.. to China. This, while China is drastically increasing its own naval fleet, weapons systems and technology. Yet still, and for several years now, Chinese officials are continually invited and hosted to the US to view our military installations, universities and laboratories. Why? Wasn't Los Alamos enough? When does this facade of friendship with our arch-adversary end?

The recent war games mutually played out by China and Russia are disturbing enough. It is even more gut-wrenching to see how our President consistently rolls over with loving adulation and praise for the butchers who run these nations. He appears to be anxiously waiting for one of these barbarians to scratch his belly and praise him. Houston: We have a problem. The so-called leader of the free world wants to reach out of his yard and expand the globalist pack, but he is clearly not the "alpha-dog"!

The common denominator to these situations is a president obsessed with the global mind-set, era, and free trade to benefit the global community, at the expense of US borders, jobs, industry, economy, trade deficits, security, defense, and sovereignty. We have an out of control lame-duck president, now doing whatever he wishes with impunity. He has nothing to lose. From here on, it's play-time with Bonzo, and he has all the toys. He is like a truck with no brakes speeding down a steep hill. Furthermore, the very expansion of his recent trade agreement boondoggles now even benefit Central America and the Caribbean more than Mexico. And still, he keeps infinitely reaching. With China, the only pretense we used to keep them in line for the most part was trade, but China is now dominating us in that regard, in every industry, and will soon be as able to conquer us as we beat the former Soviet Union in the Cold War, and by the same way, by economic dominance, and without having to fire a shot. They are using our playbook, and the game is on, while we smile like lemmings, and try to make nice-nice with the world, including those openly scheming our demise. As our domestic automakers, the same industrial titans who made our trucks, tanks, and armored vehicles in previous wars are already singing their swan song, it looks like we will soon have little if anything to fight back with anyway. And so called free trade for the global community was a chief cause of that scenario as well.

But that's OK. We still have fast food, and the soaring rates of obesity, heart disease, and premature deaths to prove it. China may have all the industry, technology, money and weapons, but we have pizza, burgers, fried chicken, and tacos. No, nothing has changed, except for the worse, and of course, the snow. To think that we have three more years of this president makes me shudder, but not without wincing from the daunting question of who will follow him in office. Will it be someone better, the same, or ... even worse? Once again, "Peek-a-boo!" The clock is ticking, and we, my fellow Americans need to wake up soon and re-take our government and our country, because these deal makers in the Beltway are worried about their pockets, and not our country. Deleting the expletives, I am reminded of a scene in the move, "The Paper," in which Michael Keaton, who plays a metropolitan newspaper screams into the phone of his larger competitor and admonishes, "I don't live in the world; I live in New York City." (Or words to that effect.) "Home" is defined first by proximity. Such was on the mind of Robert E. Lee, who at the outbreak of the Civil War, turned down a Union Commission for a Confederate one, saying that his "home" was Virginia. We need to locate and determine for ourselves where "home" is, and then act accordingly at the grassroots level. The preservation and maintaining of a sovereign, free, and secure republic is not merely a spectator sport.

The alternative, (that being warming our posteriors and basking ignorantly in the destructive status quo) I am afraid, has already been unintentionally, but well described in history, ironically by President Lincoln's assassin, John Wilkes Booth, when captured. Lying on the ground, paralyzed, and dying from a bullet wound to his spinal cord, inflicted by Union soldier Boston Corbett, the immobile and helpless Booth oddly asked someone to assist him in raising his hands to his face. Booth then looked at his hands, and prophetically and succinctly muttered, "Useless. Useless."

Doug Wrenn