CBN has a talkback asking, "Should the U.S. deport illegal immigrants?"

But CBN won't touch my response... or post it.

How absurd, that such a question needs even to be asked. The very idea!

BUILD THE FENCE, all 2062 miles of it, from Imperial Beach to Brownsville, 25 feet tall and bulldozer-proof, top it with broken glass, and surround it with razor wire, land mines, and alligator-filled trenches. Make sure the gators stay hungry. Don't worry; if one starves, the rest will eat him.

The fence works for Israel when nothing else has.

JAIL THE PERPS, the scofflaws and scum that hire illegals, for a long time so they can become more intimately acquainted with their former employees. The Bureau of Prisons says that 29% of federal prisoners are aliens, illegal or legal. Fines will not stop employers who profit off the backs of cheap labor, while they socialize onto the taxpayers the social costs for healthcare, education, welfare and Social Security retirement, law enforcement, and prisons.

PUT OUR 2 MILLION TROOPS in country on the border, now, if not sooner. What are we paying them for if not to repulse invasion? After what we have seen for the past month in our city streets, who can question that we have been invaded by a hostile force of 10 or 20 million strong men who have little or no respect for U.S. law?

CUT OFF THE HONEY SPIGOT that draws them here. Stop all taxpayer benefits for illegal aliens. Require verifiable naturalization papers for hospital visits, or let them deliver their anchor babies in the parking lot and refuse to sign a birth certificate. When they come in hacked to pieces by an MS-13 machete or with an 18th Street Gang bullet in the head, DO NOT TREAT THEM. They should get no better treatment than citizen Terri Schiavo. I take that back; do give them water to drink.

DEPORT ALL ILLEGAL ALIENS. Call them what they are, illegal aliens, and stop insulting immigrants who have waited in line, learned English, and submitted to examination and possible rejection for TB, HIV, leprosy, Chagas disease, or a record of drugs, sex offense, or other felony. A Los Angeles hospital confirmed that a woman was hospitalized on April 13, 2006, with bubonic plague (which is not contagious but is transmitted by fleas on rats, prairie dogs, or California ground squirrels). Plague has been rare in the U.S. since 1925. I guess this case just popped up out of nowhere. What do YOU think?

How do we deport 23 million illegal aliens? (And by the time we do, there will be many, many, many more.) You deport them ONE ILLEGAL ALIEN AT A TIME. Some say that is impractical, that it would cost too much. What is more impractical, astronomical in cost, and totally unworkable is to NOT deport 23 million illegal aliens. Conservative estimates reckon that each non-tax-paying illegal alien uses $2700 in taxpayer-funded social services, mandated but unfunded healthcare, mandatory but unreimbursed education, law enforcement and prison costs... that's $2700 this year, $2700 next year, $2700 the year after that, and $2700 every year until said unnaturalized illegal alien either dies or goes home and does not return.

Between June and September, 2004, as part of the Arizona Border Control Initiative (ABC), the DHS Customs and Border Protection Bureau flew UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles, reconnaissance drones) along the Arizona-Mexican border near Nogales, AZ. In just three months, in just part of one state, three Hermes 450 drones spotted 853,000 illegal travellers crossing the border at other than Border Patrol checkpoints, according to Paul Olski, director of aviation joint planning and development in the Department of Homeland Security. DHS attributed only 1252 apprehensions to the Hermes and the Hunter UAVs. On Jan. 31, 2005, the program was "grounded for evaluation," probably in embarassment about what it proved... that we have little enforcement of our immigration laws, and that the border is OUT OF CONTROL.

Quote Originally Posted by Marine Inspector
The UAV’s spotted 853,000 illegal entrants in the Tucson Sector, yet the Tucson Sector Border Patrol Agents only apprehended 154,800 of those illegal entrants.

Where did the other 698,200 illegal entrants go?

In a 4-month period [3 months, actually], 698,200 illegal aliens made it into the United States, through Arizona alone and no one knows who they are, where they are or why they are here.

How many made it through the other 8 to 9 months? If the numbers stay the same, almost 2 million [more] illegal aliens slipped through the Arizona / Mexico border.

How many made it through California, New Mexico and Texas? Now we're talking another million or so. This is not fantasy; this is reality. This is what the Federal Government does not want you to know.
853,000 is not an estimate, but a hard figure compiled by DHS for three months in just one busy sector, and those three UAVs were not flying 24/7. Just for purposes of illustration, say that there are only 15 million illegal aliens here now. At $2700 per, that is in excess of $40 BILLION just for 2006. That figure is in the same ball park as what it costs the U.S. to fight the war in Iraq; it costs more than the war in Afghanistan. Folks, WE CAN'T AFFORD NOT TO repel the invasion of illegal aliens.

When the next Mexican-flag-waving, American-flag-trashing demonstrations take place, don't miss the opportunity. Send in the National Guard, round them up, and bus them back to the interior of Mexico. If Vicente Fox says one word about the Salvadorans and the Ecuadorans we dump on his doorstep, then round up four or five Mexican illegal aliens to trade for each of the Other Than Mexicans (OTMs). Tell el Presidente Fox that the God of justice told you what justice requires for the theft of the livelihoods of American workers (Exodus 22:1; 2 Samuel 12:6; Luke 19:8 ). That won't even begin to compensate for the wreckage of marriages in the U.S. that have fallen apart from the financial stress of longterm unemployment.

What would Jesus do? I'll tell you what Jesus already did. He instituted governments and appointed authorities to punish evildoers and to honor those who do good. The governing authority is God's minister to you for good, AND an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil (Romans 13:1-7; 1 Peter 2:13-15).

"But," some of you will say, "that is not being kind and loving!" What you say is NOT RIGHT. Compassionate, perhaps, but a totally misguided and wrongheaded compassion. I believe there was a tacit assumption in the Old Testament laws about caring for the alien in your midst, the assumption that the alien was not breaking the law by entering the country.

Illegal aliens are, prima facie, violating U.S. laws in 8 USC 12. They are neither American citizens nor refugees fleeing persecution. Therefore, they have NO RIGHT to be in the United States, and very few other rights either, besides the right to remain silent until they can be removed from the country, pronto, with orders not to return under penalty of felonious entry (2nd offense).

You know all about jury nullification, how a jury can nullify enforcement of a law by refusing to punish a violator of that law. We have endured seven years of executive branch nullification of our immigration laws, whereby the DHS, INS, ICE, the Border Patrol, and other enforcement agencies have been ordered to stand down, or make only a token effort at law enforcement for appearance' sake, thus allowing the illegal aliens to move freely across the border, back and forth. I'm not allowed to talk about it outside a court of law, but I have seen it first hand, up close and personal. And you have seen it too on TV, when law enforcement was ordered to stay out of sight during the recent demonstrations for illegals' "rights" (the rights to break our laws?).

According to the Pew Foundation, the number of illegal aliens in the U.S. has increased TENFOLD during just the past six years of executive nullification of our immigration laws. Those illegals, nearly all of them, have taken jobs that Americans USED TO DO. Where are the CHRISTIANS CRYING OUT FOR JUSTICE FOR THE LEGITIMATE AMERICAN WORKERS WHO HAVE BEEN PUT OUT OF WORK in favor of lawbreakers
who will work for substandard wages, with no benefits, no Social Security, no Workman's Comp, no Unemployment Insurance, no health insurance, and did I mention, NO TAXES?

Charity begins at home, someone once told me. Use that passion for compassion to lift out of the ditch and really restore the 15 million or so legitimate American workers who have been so wrongfully and unlawfully displaced by cheap labor illegal aliens.

Will you even lift a finger to do that?

