Rule Of Law Resolution Implementation Passes Unanimously
By Greg L | 17 October 2007 | Illegal Aliens, PWC Politics | 66 Comments

The atrium outside of board chambers at the McCoart Center

In a truly marathon session of the Prince William Board of County Supervisors that lasted about thirteen hours, the supervisors unanimously voted to fully implement the rule of law resolution, providing additional funding for the police department and restricting eight county programs to lawful residents only that had previously been available for illegal aliens. Mexicans Without Borders is now zero for three in their efforts, and further embarrassed themselves by the way they acted at the McCoart center.

Mexicans Without Borders had about a thousand people show up on their side, and with a few hundred Help Save Manassas members managed to completely overflow the McCoart center. Fire marshalls took control of access to the McCoart center well before the meeting started, and a noisy demonstration outside by the illegal alien lobby went on for several hours. It was largely uneventful outside, although seeing the illegal alien lobby chant “USAâ€