Posted on Sat. Apr. 11, 2009 - 08:50 am EDT

Jailing illegal immigrants costs us now - and later

They aren't deported when they've done time for crime, just released back into community.

Last month, the Allen County Jail contained 19 prisoners who admitted to being in the United States illegally. Fifteen of them had been charged with misdemeanors, the other four with more-serious felonies. Similar numbers were recorded in previous months.

And whenever their sentences end, Sheriff Ken Fries will have no choice but to release them, because the federal government, which is obligated to protect the nation’s borders and enforce its immigration laws, would rather not enforce them.

We should all pray there’s nobody even remotely like Edwin Ramos among them.

In a story that has received little attention from the mainstream media, most of which are apologists for what is euphemistically called “immigration reform,â€