Dear :

A few weeks ago, Border Control kicked off a major campaign to get hundreds of thousands of Americans, all across the country and from all political parties, to Take the Pledge that they would vote against any candidates who vote for amnesty.

We made this decision because we wanted to make it abundantly clear to all of our politicians that the recent strategy of trying to sneak small portions of the amnesty bill through the Congress is completely unacceptable to the American people.

And you responded! Every day, thousands of new Pledges arrive at our headquarters. We are on track to reaching our goal of 100,000 signed pledges in 30 days.

Shortly, our Capitol Hill team will be issuing press releases to the Washington, DC media to put Congress on notice that we who oppose amnesty will never give these politicians a moment's peace, until they see the error of their ways or are no longer serving in Congress!

If you have not already taken the Pledge, do it now by clicking here! And then think of who else might be willing to join you. The more names we can present to the Congress, the sooner they will wake up and stop giving amnesty and benefits to illegal aliens.

Pledge is on the US Border Control link:

They have a lot of signatures already.