Holy smokes if this doesn't scare the poop out of Republicans then we are in deep do-do!

Saturday, February 02, 2008
McCain Wins Coveted LA Times Endorsement

Courage and morality - if only he wasn't playing so shrewdly by changing his positions for the primaries. But, what the hell, they know what they're going to get if he wins. Now all he has to do is convince those dumb, evil Republicans to enlighten themselves. Climb aboard the straight talk express. Just don't expect any unless, or until he seals the deal.

As noted, we do not support his determination to fight on in Iraq, but we welcome his insistence that America's military posture be matched by its moral purpose. Alone among the Republican candidates, he would close the detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, which has become an international symbol of U.S. arrogance. He has waged a principled and persistent effort to end the Bush administration's embrace of torture as a weapon of war, a frightening concession to terrorism and an abdication of basic American values. He alone among the Republican candidates has condemned torture in all its forms; he alone among all the candidates in this race has endured it.

Then there is an issue on which McCain has broken from the mainstream of his party and on which the party would do well to rejoin him: immigration. As the Republican field indulged this campaign season in an orgy of ignorance on immigration, McCain stood his ground, sponsoring legislation that would provide a route to citizenship for the 11 million to 12 million immigrants here illegally. His rivals have argued for mass deportations and strong border fences. McCain too backs toughened enforcement, but he has defended the humanity of those at the center of this debate. "We are all God's children," he says with conviction. McCain equivocated alarmingly on this issue last week, saying during the GOP debate that he would not today support the immigration bill that he courageously championed last summer. He should return to his support for immigration reform, and Republicans should follow him.

Similarly, McCain has led his party in its halting effort to confront the reality of climate change. He introduced the Senate's first attempt to address the problem legislatively in 2003, and although that bill failed, McCain has supported cap-and-trade systems that could reduce greenhouse gases, and he has stayed that course despite criticism from fellow Republicans.

http://www.riehlworldview.com/carnivoro ... s-cov.html