Taxpayers shouldn’t pay for illegal immigrants

To the Editor:

Should taxpayers pick up tab for illegal immigrants’ care? I am amazed that this is even a question that we need to ask. Let me give you some background.

My wife is here from China and we are going through the process for her to try to immigrate here legally and she cannot even work. She has a doctorate in analytical chemistry. I cannot believe that we are going to reward breaking the law.

We let people come here go to our schools, use our hospitals, take jobs and whatever else they choose and they are illegal.

Illegal or unlawful, is used to describe something that is prohibited or not authorized by law.

It seems to me that this is real easy. I am an American Indian and if I get a speeding ticket and don’t pay it, I will be arrested and put in jail, but you can come to this country and break the law and we reward you, not punish you.

Please, someone explain why we continue to let this happen? If you want to come here, you need to do as my wife and I are and doing file your paperwork or leave.

It is simple — you are either breaking the law or obeying the law.

The taxpayers of this country should not pay for the illegals to do anything in this country, period.

Daniel J. Hayes, Nashville, TN 37215 ... /OPINION01