... E_ID=54478
Justice tries to block Ramos-Compean reports
Department warns congressman not to release incriminating documents

Posted: February 28, 2007
12:21 p.m. Eastern

By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2007

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif.

Rep. Rohrabacher, R-Calif., received a phone call this morning from the Justice Department urging him not to release Drug Enforcement Agency investigative reports that confirm a previous WND story presenting evidence the drug smuggler given immunity to testify against border agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean was involved in a second smuggling incident.

Rohrabacher's spokeswoman, Tara Setmayer, told WND the Justice Department "reminded us not to disclose any documents that might compromise an on-going investigation.

But Setmayer said Rohrabacher's office did not have any information about current DEA or Department of Homeland Security investigations.

(Story continues below)

She said the purpose of a press conference scheduled for this afternoon "is to get to the bottom of what prosecutor U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton knew about (drug smuggler Osbaldo) Aldrete-Davila and to let the public know that we have seen government investigative reports that document a second October 2005 drug incident that was not released to the jury."

Asked whether she thought the Justice Department's phone call was an attempt to protect Sutton, Setmayer said: "I'm not willing to make that statement at this time."

She said Rohrabacher will call for hearings today.

"We need to get to the bottom of this," Setmayer said. "We need congressional hearings so we can get all the facts before the American people.

As WND reported, Rohrabacher is calling for a new trial, charging the new documents show Sutton "knowingly presented a false picture of the drug smuggler in order to justify his ruthless prosecution of Border Patrol agents Ramos and Compean."

Rohrabacher's press conference is scheduled for 2:30 p.m. Eastern time in the House TV Gallery, H-321, in Washington.


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