L.A. pastor joins immigration war
Bill's author taken aback by guest's remarks

By Dan McFeely

With just days remaining in the legislative session, supporters of a bill to curb illegal immigration tried to rally support Tuesday for a last-minute miracle.

But the rally may have backfired when a conservative black pastor from Los Angeles warned that violence between Hispanic and black street gangs in Southern California could spread to Indiana unless lawmakers crack down on illegals.

"Innocent blacks are being shot and killed," said the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, who was flown in from California by supporters of the bill, which is barely alive at the Statehouse. "You will end up dealing with the same situation."

His comments came a week after the Legislative Black Caucus announced it was joining with opponents who say the bill is racist and will drive away Hispanics.

State Sen. Mike Delph, R-Carmel, quickly distanced himself from Peterson's remarks.

"I can't control what other people say," said Delph, the author of the illegal immigration bill. "This gentleman is entitled to his view. Obviously, he lives in a different world out in Los Angeles than the world we live in here in Indiana."

Peterson made his remarks with Delph and several other lawmakers standing behind him.

The news conference was organized by IFIRE, the Indiana Federation for Immigration Reform and Enforcement, to respond to comments last week by liberal Protestant pastors who invoked the teachings of Jesus in opposing the bill.

"We love our neighbors, too," said Cheree Calabro of IFIRE. "You don't help them by breaking the law."

Senate Bill 335 is the last chance supporters have this year to insert compromise language that seeks to satisfy House and Senate members who passed versions of an immigration bill.

The bill would punish employers that knowingly hire illegal immigrants and set up a system allowing state and local police to enforce federal immigration laws.

A conference committee on the bill won't be possible, though, unless the House appoints conferees. The first chance it can do that is Thursday. The Senate already has. House Minority Leader Brian Bosma, R-Indianapolis, said he has given House Speaker B. Patrick Bauer, D-South Bend, the names of House Republicans to appoint to the conference committee.
"Right now the speaker of the House has the ball," Delph said.
Bauer adjourned the House on Monday without naming conferees. The legislative session ends Friday.

Supporters on Tuesday also brought in an economist, Edwin Rubenstein of Carmel-based ESR Research, who said Indiana workers are earning less than they could because illegal immigrants have driven down the salary scale, especially for the less educated work force.

But after Peterson's remarks, Delph, who has accused opponents of playing the "race card," found himself trying to get his supporters to focus their comments.

"I have been trying to stay on message all along. This is about the respect for the rule of law," he said. "There have been supporters of mine who have said things that I don't agree with. There have been opponents who have said things that I agree with. All I can do is what I believe to be right."

Call Star reporter Dan McFeely at (317) 444-6253.
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