Boycott And Protest Were A Failure ... a-failure/
By Greg L | 3 September 2007 | 21 Comments

Prince William BOCS Chairman Corey Stewart, Gainesville Supervisor John Stirrup, Manassas Councilman Marc Aveni and candidate for Woodbridge Supervisor Chris Royse joined Help Save Manassas today at a small press conference to discuss the impact of the boycott by Mexicans Without Borders on businesses in the Prince William County area. The unanimous opinion of these participants was that the boycott failed, and that the immigrant community has rejected the message and tactics of Mexicans Without Borders.

The DC Examiner has coverage with a great quote from Supervisor John Stirrup:

Stirrup called Mexicans Without Borders - which organizers say includes many supportive U.S. citizens - a lawless group.

“Mexicans Without Borders is a strongly anti-American group that refuses to embrace American culture, refuses to respect American sovereignty and certainly does not respect American laws,â€