After today's touchy-feely article in the Calendar section of the Los Angeles Times about the new wave of immigration-themed films, I had no choice but to respond to the author of the article. My response is below:

Hi, Patrick,

I just got done reading your article on "The Visitor" and I believe that you are missing one key word in your article, the word "alleged". It should be used before the word "crackdown".

The Bush Administration has been doing dog and pony show crackdowns to appease its harshest critics to hopefully soften their stance on the Administration's push to grant amnesty to over 12 million people who have chosen to enter the country illegally. It's President Bush's irrational kowtowing to the Mexican government at every turn that should be the subject of a telling documentary.

Despite the overwhelming support for tighter border laws, where the phone system in congress crashed voicing opposition to the recent legislation attempt at amnesty, senators such as our own Dianne Feinstein, continually try to push an agenda that clearly the American people don't want. And California wonders why it is the butt of so many jokes.

Most mainstream films and television shows seek to depict illegal aliens as the victims. Families being separated via deportation, because they have dropped an anchor baby on this side of the border, act with some sort of irrational indignation when they are called on their actions, and fraudulently demand the same rights afforded to them as American citizens, when in fact, they have no rights.

The real victims in this whole scenario are the taxpayers who have to bankroll a deteriorating public healthcare system as well as a laughable public school system where test scores in California are directly proportionate to the teachers dumbing down their curriculum to appease non-English speaking children of illegal aliens. The most profound victims of illegal immigration, Patrick, are the families of those people who died on 9/11/2001. The people who murdered those people were here illegally. People tend or gloss over that reality.

Will we be making films about the next 9/11 which is just a matter of time as portraying those who flip the American people the bird when it comes to being here illegally in some sort of touchy feely forum, or will we start telling the truth in the film and stand up to the charges of Xenophobia and Racism that those lawbreakers levy against us for the benefit of the press?

Just a few thoughts. I'm not attacking you. It just seems that the Times has an agenda when it comes to the overall issue and you're unfortunately having to kowtow to your editors.

JIm Henson