This land is mine

Barbara Simpson
Posted: August 27, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

Yes, this land (the United States of America) is my land, and I don't plan to give it up easily. In fact, I don't plan to give it up at all, nor do I plan to give it away.

Those words, with that emphasis, have clear meaning. I speak as an American citizen and for fellow citizens who value our country and our citizenship.

We won't give up what's ours and what has been preserved with the lives and blood of millions who fought to protect what we have and what our freedoms make possible.

Those four words constitute the opening line of the lyrics of the theme of the 1960 film "Exodus" and refer to the establishment of the state of Israel. Ernest Gold wrote the music and won an Oscar for his effort. Once you've heard it, you never forget it.

What you might not know is that Pat Boone (yes, that Pat Boone) wrote the lyrics and the second line is "God gave this land to me."

That the Israelis have a deep connection with their land and God is clear.

The last line is "This land is mine until I die." There's no equivocation.

My exact sentiments about the USA.

Would that the U.S. had a movie with such a powerful theme song that would impress on our citizens the importance of our land. Would that we had the courage to stand up against those in our midst who are willing to sell us out, betray our fallen patriots and defraud our children's' future.

Thirty-two-year-old Elvira Arellano is a perfect example of the insolence of foreigners who break our laws and demand no consequence to their illegal acts.

In 1997, the Mexican citizen illegally entered the U.S. and went to Washington state. Not long after, she was found and deported.

Determined to have her way and flout our laws, she again crossed the border illegally. This time, we're told she went to Illinois in 2000 and took a job cleaning planes at O'Hare International Airport.

So much for security that a formerly deported illegal could steal an identity and work on commercial jets.

In 2002, she was arrested and convicted for working with a false social security number. She was to report to authorities last year to be deported – again.

Why was she convicted in 2002 and allowed to wait until 2006 to show up for deportation?

Instead, last year, she took sanctuary at Adalberto United Methodist Church, a storefront facility in Chicago. She stayed until two weeks ago when the wife of Rev. Walter Coleman drove her to California to agitate at churches protesting the separation of illegals from their American citizen children.

Another question: When was her "American citizen" son born? Did she work during pregnancy?

Saul is 8 years old, which means he was born in 1999. But that was during the time she'd first been deported and before she went to Illinois in 2000. Was he conceived in Mexico? In the United States? Who's daddy? Where's daddy? Why don't we know?

Did she think a single woman having a baby here would be allowed to stay because Americans are such compassionate people – or stupid people? It depends.

In fact, if her false identity hadn't been discovered, she might have gotten away with it.

Now, she's been deported again and is with a friend in Tijuana.

Rev. Coleman says she'll be "organizing" in Mexico while he and other activists will demonstrate here. Coleman's wife, Emma Lozano, heads a Chicago immigration rights group. She plans to continue activism for Arellano. She's also Saul's legal guardian and godmother and will see that he continues his schooling, in the third grade, in Chicago.

Arellano covered all her bases.

The arrogance of these land-grabbers is astonishing. Lozano told reporters the little boy may tour the country to promote immigrant rights!

And you thought Cindy Sheehan exploited her son!

Mexican authorities said Arellano's deportation illustrates the need to reform American immigration laws.

What nerve!

Javier Rodriguez, a Chicago immigration activist told AP "We are sad, but at the same time we are angry. "How dare they arrest this woman?"

Dare? It's astonishing how illegals put on a cloak of holiness and demand rights and privileges that aren't theirs. Activists plan to make Arellano a national symbol for illegals.

How dare they reprimand us for enforcing our laws? Why don't elected officials and American citizens speak out against this arrogance? On the other hand, I can understand the anguish of parents separated from their children because of their sneaking into our country illegally.

But there are solutions:

Change the Constitution to eliminate the automatic "citizenship" of illegal children born here, and rescind the citizenship of existing anchor babies. Then send them all home to mommy.

Change the law to stipulate that any child of an illegal born here must be deported with the parent. No exceptions. We have no obligation to raise children of illegals or to grant them the gift of citizenship.
For those who argue illegals want to become American, Arellano's comment proves them wrong.

When she took sanctuary to avoid deportation, she said, in Spanish: "I only have two choices. I either go to my country, Mexico or stay and keep fighting. I decided to stay and fight."

So, she wants to change our laws, her country remains Mexico, and after seven years here, she still speaks Spanish.

Sorry Elvira, "this land is mine," and I don't plan to give it away to you, your son or anyone else. None of you deserve American citizenship. ... E_ID=57319