Army prosecutes ‘traitors’ by drug and organized crime

Mexico City-The Mexican army suffered the betrayal of their own items to some of them become the eyes and ears of different drug cartels within the institution.

"A leader of the Family identified by the military defendants as Johnny Escobar, “The Mojarro” began to pay bribes to lieutenants, sergeants and corporals of Battalion 102 to keep it abreast of military operations."

The military has been infiltrated by the Sinaloa Cartel, Los Zetas, the Beltran Leyva … and is now known also by La Familia Michoacana.

In fact, the Army has already detained 52 military, 39 and 13 accused of drug trafficking by organized crime.

Court documents to which access had shown that Reform Family infiltrated the armed forces in a state of Mexico that was strengthened in 2010 to combat precisely this criminal group.

Received money to report on military movements

According to the documents, the Ministry of National Defense to prosecution underwent nine soldiers accused of working, throughout 2010 and until January 2011, as informants of The Family.

On May 14, 2010, then Mexican governor, Enrique Peña Nieto, and General Guillermo Galván opened new facilities at 102 Infantry Battalion in San Miguel Ixtapan.

The aim was to combat Tejupilco Family and other municipalities in the Southwest Edomex bordering Michoacan and Guerrero.

But, at least since March of that year, a leader of the Family identified by the military defendants as Johnny Escobar, “The Mojarro” began to pay bribes to lieutenants, sergeants and corporals of Battalion 102 to keep it abreast of military operations.

“I met a guy nicknamed ‘The Mojarro’ (…) which I proposed to collaborate with him by providing information of military operations that involved, making a gift of 140 thousand pesos.

“Telling me if I could not get him who would provide such information,” said Lt. Omar Lugo Leon infantry to military prosecutors, as recorded in the criminal case 48/2011 of the Fifth Court of the First Military Region.

After that, Lugo made an intensive recruitment campaign among their peers, who confessed to receiving payments rarely exceeding 5 thousand pesos in exchange for delivering detailed reports on all military movements in the area.

Source: Army prosecutes ‘traitors’ by drug and organized crime*|*U.S. Open Borders