Jewish World Review May 20, 2005/ 11 Iyar, 5765
Greg Crosby

LA's Mexican Mayor | If you thought the floodgates for illegal immigrants were wide open in Los Angeles up until now, hold on to your sombrero. Now that Antonio Villaraigosa has been elected mayor you ain't seen nothin' yet. The guy who was Chairman of the UCLA chapter of MEChA, the anti-American and anti-Israel Mexican separatist group; the guy with the "born to raise hell" tattoo; the guy who was past district president of the ACLU; the guy who rewards illegal aliens with Matricula Consular IDs; the guy who wants to give illegal aliens driver's licenses; the guy who supports Special Order 40, the regulation that will not allow local police to turn over illegal alien criminals to the Feds, will now be in charge of the second largest city in the nation. Well done, voters of Los Angeles!

Mexican President Vicente Fox really has a compadre in the City of Angels now. Villaraigosa has virtually the same take on Mexican illegal immigration that Fox has. Fox, who has repeatedly refused to back away from his racist remark saying that Mexican immigrants take jobs "not even" blacks want in the United States, has never had a problem with illegal immigration from Mexico to the United States â€â€