'Late Great USA' back atop bestsellers
Corsi's WND Books exposé of North American merger plot busting out

Posted: October 10, 2007
11:49 p.m. Eastern

© 2007 WorldNetDaily.com

WASHINGTON – "The Late Great USA," Jerome Corsi's New York Times bestseller about the plot to "integrate" America with Mexico and Canada in a European Union-style confederation, is back atop Amazon's bestsellers – rising to No. 1 among urban planning and development titles and No. 4 among non-fiction books about international planning.

The WND Books' release got a second wind from back-to-back appearances on Glenn Beck's CNN Headline News TV show and other media appearances.

Corsi is a WND staff writer and columnist who just broke the story of former Mexican President Vicente Fox's confirmation Monday night of the existence of a plan for a regional currency.

In "The Late Great USA," Corsi charges the federal government's unwillingness to enforce immigration laws and border security is, at least in part, a result of plans to promote political, social and economic integration of the U.S., Mexico and Canada.

Understanding the plan to merge the U.S., Mexico and Canada, says Corsi, is "the only context in which the current immigration travesty makes sense – and it must be stopped."

Corsi also co-authored the No. 1 New York Times best-seller "Unfit for Command" which many credit with having cost John Kerry the presidency in the 2004 election.

Get an autographed, first-edition copy of Jerome Corsi's "The Late Great USA" for only $19.95 – only from WorldNetDaily!

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