Has Illegal Immigration Improved Since SB 1070 Became Law?

Updated: Saturday, 23 Apr 2011, 10:26 PM MDT
Published : Saturday, 23 Apr 2011, 10:26 PM MDT

PHOENIX - Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer says SB 1070 has been a beneficial law for the state. But is there any difference in the state over the past year?

The only point both sides may agree on is the message SB 1070 sent to the federal government -- which is that Arizona wants action on illegal immigration and border security.

So far, that hasn't happened, but that doesn’t mean Arizona has gone unaffected by the issue.

One year has passed since SB 1070 took center stage in our state when Brewer signed the controversial immigration bill into law.

“The truth is that the worst parts of the law, the parts that people were most upset about, have never actually been implemented. And that really helped people feel less scared and less upset about it,â€