Senate Amnesty Bill has Buckled

by Mac Johnson — 06-07-2007 @ 11:05 PM

Wonderful news from the United States Senate tonight: the dreaded "immigration" bill that would amnesty nearly every illegal alien in the country, allow them to bring in millions of family members, flood the U.S. with unskilled labor and encourage future illegal immigration (just as the 1986 amnesty did), has failed an important cloture vote.

The defeat is being described as a "stunning setback" for amnesty supporters, such as Senators John McCain, Harry Reid, Ted Kennedy and President Bush. The Bill has certainly suffered a serious wound from the American people, who have made known their opposition, but is it dead?

Is "Jason" ever dead? Is Freddy Krueger ever finished? Does Herpes ever go away? No! The bill will continue to be nursed and grieved by its elitist handmaidens in the Congress and media. It will be withdrawn and reworked -hidden and groomed like a convalescent succubus carrying the seed of Satan within its horrid womb!

The forces of good have won an important victory, but amnesty will lurk always just below the surface, waiting for a moment of lapsed vigilance to sneak through into law.

Celebrate tonight, brothers and sisters. But ready your stakes and Holy Water, for the beast must be killed many times before it lives never again!