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Congressman Franks blasts Democrats on border security
The Business Journal of Phoenix - 1:42 PM MST Thursday
by Mike Sunnucks

Arizona Republican Congressman Trent Franks said he is worried Democrats will weaken border security and anti-terrorism intelligence gathering and surveillance when they take over Congress next month.

Franks, who represents Glendale, Sun City and Kingman, points to votes by incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and other Democrats against a number of recent security measures.

"They voted against border security, tracking terrorist finances, listening to terrorist communications and against effectively and aggressively interrogating terrorists in custody," Franks said in a statement Thursday.

Democrats, including Pelosi, have said they want to look at Bush administration security policies including surveillance. They also hope to pass more comprehensive immigration reforms including a guest worker program, but are looking at undoing plans approved by the GOP earlier this year to build more fences along the Mexican border.

Gov. Janet Napolitano said Wednesday she is optimistic her party will move immigration forward next year and is willing to give Democratic congressional leaders time to work through the issues.

The governor routinely has criticized Republicans for failure to move forward on a guest worker plan and other border matters, and supported a security plan proposed by President Bush earlier this year.

Franks and other Republicans hope to pressure Democrats on the security issue, traditionally a GOP issue.

Arizona is a top entry point for illegal immigrants, smugglers and drug cartels entering the U.S.