This news was posted a few days ago by me however, these two articles from a South Texas tv station contain details not previously disclosed: use of aliases, identifying tattoos, a criminal record in the U.S. dating back to 1993.


The Honduran government said Rivera Paz's first U.S. arrest was in San Francisco on Nov. 30, 1993 while he was a juvenile and that he had been arrested several times since on U.S. charges including drug trafficking, car theft, robbery and assault.


The violent Central American gang has members in the United States, and U.S. officials are concerned that they might sneak al-Qaida terrorists into the country


The gang consists of migrants who were deported from the United States, many for committing crimes. The gang, and others in Central America, have become increasingly violent, carrying out beheadings and grenade attacks in Central America and hacking their enemies with machetes in cities along the U.S. East Coast.


Because he had 35 other alias, it took immigration investigators about two weeks to determine the man in custody was Rivera-Pa


The gang formed in the United States in the 1980s in a Los Angeles prison. The 13 and 18 signify the city streets in L.A. where they hung out


How Rivera-Paz got passed the Border Patrol checkpoint in Falfurrias is unknown or how managed to cross the border and into the Valley.

"I'm not sure as far as how he entered illegally," Cervantes said. "The information hasn't been forwarded yet."

Sheriff Trevino said that he's not surprised Rivera-Paz managed to cross the border, but said that Valleyites should be concerned about this.

Bus Massacre Suspect Being Held in Valley Prison

The reputed leader of a violent Honduran gang was using an alias, but the tattoos on his body gave him away.

Further checking revealed the man arrested in Texas on Feb. 10 was Ever Anibal Rivera Paz, known as "El Culiche" â€â€