Legislators, illegal aliens killing America
Article Launched: 09/09/2008 05:56:09 AM PDT

I read with rage the front-page story, "Man sentenced to prison for drunken crash" (The Reporter, Aug. 30). The headline should have read: "Illegal alien sent to prison for killing American."

This story comes on the heels of the recent Excelsior district atrocity in that "sanctuary city by the bay," San Francisco, where an MS13 gang member allegedly shot to death Tony Bologna and his two sons.

The suspect in that case is Edwin Ramos, a 21-year-old illegal alien with a history of criminal activity. He was arrested on a weapons possession charge just one month before the most recent shooting, but was released by District Attorney Camilla Harris. Because of San Francisco's sanctuary policy, the federal government was never informed and Ramos was allowed to roam free. Further, the city's Immigrant Task Force has secured more than $650,000 in federal grants to defend, clothe and shelter illegal alien felons.

Then, on Aug. 30, we learn that another illegal alien, Isidro Pena Soto, killed an innocent American, 33-year-old Kent Boone of Antioch, the father of five. Soto was an illegal alien with three prior drunken driving convictions in Solano and Contra Costa counties. When he careened into Mr. Boone on Highway 12, he was not only driving intoxicated, but in possession of methamphetamine with intent to sell.

The victim's father, Morris Kent Boone, was quoted as saying, "Time after time, they let him go." The failure of the system to keep Soto off the streets before he killed someone was deplorable.
How was this illegal alien, thrice-convicted drunken driver still in the country? Who in our state government will lose their job over this travesty? Answer: no one.

I blame our failed system on impotent, moronic and traitorous leaders who have betrayed the American people at every turn, from the budget to keeping our streets safe. These same so-called "leaders," hamstrung by their own political correctness, appoint leftist judges who empower leftist lawyers, and our broken system continues to deteriorate.

We now have a Legislature of spineless career politicians devoid of common sense or perspective, unwilling to make any tough decisions, who force concerned Americans into using our only remaining resource, the tedious initiative process, to enact any real legislation - only to have anything remotely controversial overturned by a judge appointed by those same politically correct morons we repeatedly send to Washington and Sacramento.

Kent Boone's spouse characterized Soto as "weak, selfish, arrogant and cowardly." Clearly, this also describes the self-described progressives in power who believe the rights of the criminal supersede the rights of the law-abiding people.

Ultimately, the voter is to blame for the rash of illegals populating our prisons and an epidemic of violence plaguing our once-fair state. We have the power of revolution at the ballot box, yet are squandering this gift of our founders by electing, then re-electing, traitorous scoundrels at every level.

This problem must be addressed by first arresting and severely punishing legislators who have betrayed the public trust and thwarted the law. Those found to have aided and abetted criminal activity, as in the Ramos and Soto cases, should be charged as accomplices and punished along with the perpetrators.

Sanctuary cities must be immediately cut off from federal funds, and federal marshals must be dispatched into known illegal alien enclaves to clean house. If necessary, the National Guard must be utilized.

Who in our government has the courage or conviction to lead this charge? The question is rhetorical, as I submit to you that no one has the courage.

Richard Geertson, Dixon
