C.B.P. News Release

U.S. Border Patrol Agents Arrest Sex Offenders

(Monday, October 03, 2011)

Edinburg, Texas ─ In three separate incidents over the past weekend, U.S. Border Patrol agents arrested 60 illegal aliens, two of whom had been convicted of sex offenses and another who has an outstanding arrest warrant out of Los Angeles on a charge of lewd acts with a child.

The illegal alien with the warrant was arrested Saturday near Mission, Texas, by agents assigned to the McAllen Station. He was part of a group of illegal aliens of mixed nationalities. During processing, agents discovered the outstanding warrant. He will be extradited by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office to face prosecution.

The two convicted sex offenders were arrested Sunday, one of them near Granjeno, Texas, and the other near La Joya, Texas. As the illegal aliens were being processed at the station, agents discovered two of them had been convicted of sex offenses involving children. They, along with the remainder of the illegal aliens apprehended over the weekend, will be processed for removal to their countries of origin.

“Our job as Border Patrol agents is to protect America from all threats,â€