Letter to the Editor

What About Duncan Hunter?
January 4, 2008

The Courant missed a Republican candidate for president during its front-page profile news series ["Defining Moments"] and its editorial series [Dec. 31, Jan. 2, "Countdown To Iowa"]. That candidate is Rep. Duncan Hunter, from the San Diego area of California.

Hunter has a solid and consistent record of achievement and service since he was first elected to Congress in 1980. A Vietnam war veteran, his family has a strong military heritage. He is a man of courage and integrity who is willing to tell the truth, even if it isn't politically correct. He's not a fly-by-night, one-issue or offbeat candidate.

In our republic, the role of the media is to provide information to the citizens, so they can select their leaders and help to decide the direction of our country. The media should not be choosing our leaders for us. The voters should be informed about all the candidates; then they can decide who will win. If The Courant can provide information about low-polling Democratic candidates (such as Joseph Biden, Bill Richardson, Chris Dodd and Dennis Kucinich), then it can do so for Duncan Hunter. His website is www.gohunter08.com.

When the voters know about all the candidates, then they can decide for themselves who should lead our country.

David Lyon


Copyright © 2008, The Hartford Courant
