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Archbishop Vlazny Exhorts Flock to 'Aid and Abet' Illegal Aliens
By Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D.
Jan 11, 2006

Why do religious institutions like the Catholic Church defy our immigration laws? Why do they blatantly flaunt our laws by enabling millions upon millions of illegal aliens to enter, live and work in America? Do they do so in order to 'feel good' about what they see as their 'Christian duty?' Why do pious people of the Catholic faith believe it's justifiable for them to ignore our laws, created to protect and defend our country and its populace? Do they feel that they are above the law? By their example, does their defiance of our immigration laws mean it is acceptable for the rest of us to disobey other laws, as we chose?

Apparently the Catholic Church does believe its above the law because they, and many of their misguided parishioners, are collectively the largest and most flagrant illegal alien enablers in this country. They are citizens of the United States who, in direct violation of our federal immigration laws, 'aid and abet' illegal aliens to enter, live and work here in America! Everything they do in the name of their 'Christian beliefs' is done in defiance of our immigration laws and without any concern for the harm they are causing the rest of us hard-working, honest, law-abiding, mostly Christian Americans.

At the behest of the church hierarchy, many Catholics have been, or are being urged to become, the proverbial 'fifth column' facilitating Mexico's de facto war. A publicly announced war of invasion and colonization by millions of illegal alien 'migrants.' By definition, the church's facilitation of the Mexican invasion makes all who participate, traitors! They are guilty of treason because they betray their country and countrymen in order to promote an agenda of 'aiding and abetting' illegal aliens. In direct contravention of our laws the church willfully, arrogantly and defiantly pursues multiple programs in support of the 'migrant' invasion by Mexico and other Latin American countries.

It is particularly egregious for the Catholic Church and Charities to ignore our immigration laws under the guise of "Justice for Immigrants" and "Journey to Justice" when it results in such damaging negative effects to the 'quality of life' for the rest of us Americans. What a shameful example they provide for us and our children. Any sanctimonious justifications they might give for their promotion of illegal behavior by their flock, is unacceptable! What they do fosters anarchy and chaos, which impacts ALL Americans.

Apparently Catholics and the other religious organizations who join them, believe they are 'special' people,' when in fact they are criminals who are shamefully and erroneously justifying their behavior by sacrilegiously cloaking themselves in the mantle of Christianity while using biblical scripture and mantras to further their goals.

An especially offensive example of such pastoral abuse was Archbishop Vlazny's manipulative use of the story of the birth of Jesus Christ where he states that: "Mary and Joseph, because of their own experiences as refugees in Egypt with their newborn child, are appropriate patrons of refugees and migrants [legal or illegal or both?] throughout the world."(1)

Has the archbishop forgotten that their travels began in compliance of Herod's law requiring their return to Joseph's hometown for the census? A journey that meant that the son of God was born in such a wonderfully endearing, humble manner and place, far more worthy of praise and adulation than having been born of wealth and privilege.

Tying the Holy family into his 'pitch' Vlazny goes on to say that: "The purpose of National Migration Week is to promote multicultural understanding, awareness of migrant and refugee issues and to encourage institutions and individuals to extend welcome to newcomers. With our archdiocesan focus on multicultural evangelization, how could we be uninterested in such an effort?"

By promoting 'multicultural understanding' and asking Catholics to indiscriminately 'extend welcome to newcomers' Vlazny is euphemistically slip-sliding over the issue that some 20 - 23 million of those 'migrants and refugees' are here in America illegally.(2-6) For some reason the archbishop seems to have forgotten the biblical mantra "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's" where Jesus infers he believes his followers should abide by the law. Instead Vlazny exhorts his flock to 'aid and abet' those millions of 'refugees and migrants' while egregiously remaining silent about their legal status.(7)

What is 'Aiding or Abetting? To 'Aid or Abet' is to actively, knowingly, or intentionally assist another person in the commission or attempted commission of a crime, such as illegally entering our country without our permission or knowledge, housing them, transporting them, or employing them.(

The Law: 1. It is aiding or abetting to "encourage or induce an alien to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such coming to, entry, or residence is or will be in violation of law." 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv).(9)

2. It is 'aiding or abetting' to "conceal or attempt to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection, illegal aliens, including any building or any means of transportation." 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1)(A)(iii).(9)

3. It is also 'aiding or abetting' to "engage in any conspiracy to commit any of the preceding acts." 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1)(A)(v)(I).(9)

4. It is a felony to 'aid or abet' in the commission of the above acts. 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1)(A)(v)(II).(9)

Note: A Felony Occurs when the specified crime carries a penalty of more than one year in prison.(10)

Note: For ALL the crimes listed above the maximum penalties range from five to twenty years for EACH VIOLATION, where sentences of more than five years indicate additional aggravating circumstances.

Note: Recent class-action lawsuits have been brought by ordinary citizens against those who 'aid and abet' illegal aliens, under RICO the Racketeer-Influenced and Corrupt Organizations statutes. A significant event because it can mean the awarding of treble damages for the plaintiffs.(11)

How the Catholic Church 'Aids and Abets' Illegal Aliens:

In May, 2005, the "U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops announced . . . that it will 'add the voice of the Catholic Church' to the call for a guest-worker program, and a path to citizenship for illegal aliens in the United States."(12) To support that goal the Catholic Church's 'Migration and Refugee Services' has launched a controversial campaign called 'Justice for Immigrants.' However it seems that their campaign apparently does not include obeying the immigration laws of our country! Instead: "The campaign hopes to use God's law to replace U.S. Immigration law. The church also wants lawmakers to develop a plan to help bring their families to the U.S. as well."(13)

Do the math! Since there are 20 - 23 million illegal aliens already here, that figure will portend a future 'immigrant' influx that would quadruple to 80 million if their families are brought in under the 'family reunification's plan that the Catholic Church espouses. In a country where the number of current legal citizens is 296 million . . . those numbers are demographically overwhelming! Of course that does not include the 'anchor babies' they will also produce! To understand the depravity of this Catholic agenda, read on . . .

Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick, the archbishop of Washington, according to the Washington Times, in May of 2005, said that "religious teachings justify aiding illegal aliens" . . . "We go right to the New Testament and say, him or her who is without sin cast the first stone. How many of us have not violated some laws, whatever they might have been -- either they're traffic laws or immigration laws or tax laws, something like that."(12)

Perhaps some have occasionally cheated and done one, or all of the above. Does that justify the call by an archbishop of the Catholic Church to promote and deliberately ignore United States immigration laws? How outrageous can you get? Apparently 'Justice for [Illegal] Immigrants' includes the unspoken mandate of 'In-Justice for Honest, Law-Abiding American Citizens!'

What Cardinal McCarrick is advocating has long been a policy of the Catholic Church. One that encourages Catholics to, blatantly and with impunity, openly defy our immigration laws. How can the Catholic Church so outrageously announce their defiance of our laws? Could it be that they have a need to fill their church pews and parochial schools? How convenient it is that the hordes of illegal alien Hispanic/Latinos that are arriving here daily are predominately Catholic. Obviously, such a massive influx could "breathe new life into [their] parishes" and "swell [the] local ranks of Catholics?"(14)(15)

Did you know that . . . "nearly 40 percent of the Catholics living in the Untied States are Hispanic, making the constituency a highly important one for the church."(16) Did you know that the Hispanic/Latino population growth rates for some counties in the southeastern United States has exceeded a growth of 500% to 1,000% between 1990 and 2000!(17)

Don't you wonder if the Catholic Church would be applying such pressure for the acceptance of the 'stranger' or 'migrant' if they didn't have such a vested interest?

In their 'blind ambition' for denominational dominance and economic resuscitation, has the Catholic Church slipped into the abyss of moral turpitude? Has the Catholic Church given up all pretense of holding to 'moral Christian ethics' in order to achieve greater attendance in their schools and churches? Could that explain everything?

Or, is it all about a One World Order? At the first Binational Migration Conference, June 23, 2005, in El Paso, TX looking into immigration and the Catholic Church, closed discussions and workshops were held with Mexico's Foreign Minister Luis Derbez, U.S. Senator John Cornyn, and Cardinal Theodore McCarrick. Don't you wonder what was discussed in those meetings? Especially since McCarrick is on the 'Religion, Conflict and Reconciliation' board of Bill Clinton's 'Global Initiative' funded by such notables as the Rockefeller Foundation, Microsoft, Google, hp, citigroup, Starbucks, Goldman Sachs, Yahoo and Nokia.(1(19)

Interestingly, serving on the Advisory Board for "Governance, Enterprise and Investment" of that same 'Global Initiative' is George Soros, US Rep. Jim Kolbe, R-AZ, and "His Excellency Ernesto Zedillo, Former President of Mexico and Director, The Yale Center for the Study of Globalization."(20) The same Ernesto Zedillo who in 1997, following the passage of a Mexican constitutional amendment allowing dual citizenship, stated: "I have proudly affirmed that the Mexican nation extends beyond the territory enclosed by its borders, and that Mexican migrants [illegal aliens] are an important - a very important part of it!"(21)

Perhaps the closed-door discussion was encapsulated by the speech of McCarrick's that read . . . "our late Pope John Paul II spoke of one continent, of one America joined by common need and common solidarity. This conference is important because we must work together for the common good and to answer the needs of our time and of this new moment of globalization."(22)

There's your answer! According to the late Pope John Paul II and Cardinal McCarrick, it IS all about the One World Order, or as it is currently euphemistically called . . . the New World Order, that seeks to erase our borders and end our sovereignty.

It doesn't matter that our immigration laws say that 'aiding and abetting' the illegal alien is a crime, the Catholic church is saying it doesn't need to follow those laws. The Catholic Church also doesn't care about the rights of the honest, hard-working, American citizens who dutifully honor the 'rule of law,' which is the foundation of this country, while the Catholic Church does not!

According to Archbishop Vlazny: "More than three years ago now, the Mexican and U.S. bishops together issued a pastoral letter titled 'Strangers No Longer, Together on the Journey of Hope.' Based on the principle of Catholic social teachings . . ." and . . . "From its founding to the present, the United States remains a nation of immigrants grounded in the firm belief that newcomers offer new energy, hope and cultural diversity. Our common faith in Jesus Christ moves us to search for ways that favor a spirit of solidarity. It is a faith that transcends borders and bids us to overcome all forms of discrimination and violence so that we may build relationships that are just and loving.�(1)

First and foremost, faith can transcend borders but according to our immigration laws, people cannot. Again, the archbishop seems to have lost his way, deliberately ignoring the issue of illegal entry into our country, by using religious euphemisms that in reality are calling for the ignoring of our immigration laws. Unfortunately, the archbishop is also incorrect in saying that we are a nation of immigrants. We are in fact a nation of Native Americans, not to be confused with American Indians, as explained here: (23)

It is absurd for America to continue to live under wave after wave of the invading Mexican 'migrant armies' of illegal aliens. With nearly 10,000 illegals entering every day, 90% of whom are Hispanics and Latinos, they WILL, by their sheer numbers, irrevocably alter our American community.(24) They will divide our nation into two languages, two cultures, and two societies.(25)

The 'Cult' of Multi-Culturalism fostered by Archbishop Vlazny is a form of 'social engineering' that has been forced upon us. It has been demanded that we all participate in a Pavlovian experiment and educational subterfuge called 'sensitivity training' in order to promote 'cultural diversity.' Parishioners have been bombarded with exhortations by the church to venerate multi-culturalism, a process that requires us to accept, espouse and apply a multi-cultural orthodoxy, everywhere and everyplace.

As a result, these 'indoctrination' programs and exhortations have turned 'We the People" into American 'robots' who have blindly embraced the multi-cultural concept. A doctrine that embraces diversity, which by definition engenders a society and culture that is divergent, different, and disparate, the exact opposite of our national motto -- E pluribus Unum. Out of many, ONE!

Why have we so stupefyingly accepted and followed such propaganda? Because many, including and in particular the Catholic Church and its hierarchy like Archbishops Vlazny and McCarrick, have been constantly pushing multi-culturalism -- a concept that requires us to promote and celebrate an American culture of non-assimilation and non-acculturation. A concept that encourages people who are dissimilar, unalike, and different from one another, to remain that way!

Multi-culturalism is a Machiavellian veneration that is the complete opposite of our world famous American 'melting pot' motto. A vibrant concept that represents a dynamic process of a 'coming together' by diverse peoples who willingly assimilate and integrate into our unique, blended American culture!

As a result of being constantly brainwashed by the multi-cultural mantra, we kept silent, trusting that the church was guiding us in the right direction in all goodness and faith, while our own special and unique American culture and unifying English language was being ripped from our control and ground into dust!

Once we were indoctrinated with 'multi-culturalism' it was easy to stop any dissent concerning the hordes of illegal aliens pouring into America, on the grounds that we were insensitive to 'other' cultures. This kept us muzzled, passive, and inured to the indoctrination. The illegal alien invasion of America now totals 20 -23 million and rising. Of that number, 90% are Hispanics. How can such an overwhelming influx of Spanish speaking Hispanics and Latinos be construed as 'diversity?'

Millions of illegal aliens are balkanizing our neighborhoods, overwhelming and degrading our jails, schools, medical facilities, and most importantly, our quality of life! They are corrupting and degrading our society, heritage, culture and national language. Sadly, Vlazny and McCarrick seem to have no comprehension that those tens of millions of illegal aliens collectively represent a spiraling dissolution of our uniquely blended American culture, into a uni-culturalist Hispanic one.(26)

Archbishop Vlazny seems oblivious to the fact that our sovereign nation is facing a massive invasion of mostly Spanish speaking Mexicans and other Hispanics. Has the archbishop forgotten about the 'dignity' of ordinary America citizens to be free from the invasion and balkanization that is crushing our country? How 'just and loving' is it for 'We the People' to traverse our 'Journey of Hope' while being forced to deal with the tragedy invoked by such an overwhelming human tsunami of illegal aliens that the Catholic church so stridently promotes?(27)

How many more Catholic churches will be announcing the coming of a Spanish mass before the church says that there is enough 'multi-culturalism?' Such insistence for an indiscriminant 'Welcoming of the Stranger' is tinged with racism since 90% the illegal aliens are Spanish speaking Hispanics AND instant Catholics. What the church hierarchy is rabidly pursuing is lawlessness by using religious sounding code words that are encouraging and promoting eventual A-N-A-R-C-H-Y!

In Case You Think They are Coming Just to Feed and House their Family, etc., Think Again:

The mantra of the illegal alien supporters and open-borders crowd, including the Catholic Church, has been: These are just 'poor pitiful migrants' who come here to work so they can provide for their starving families. They have no homes, or live in deplorable conditions with no jobs to support themselves with, etc., etc., etc., '. . . Not so, according to the Pew Hispanic Research.(2 Here are some of the headlines reporting on that momentous myth and propaganda buster research, reported by the Pew Hispanic Center:

1. Most Mexican Immigrants [Illegal Aliens] in New Study [95%] Gave Up Jobs to Take Their Chances in U.S.(29)

2. Report disputes belief about jobless migrants [illegal aliens](30)

3. FAMILY, better jobs pull Mexicans [illegal aliens] to USA(31)

4. Study: Illegal Immigrants Not Drawn by Jobs(32)

5. U.S. jobs come easy to Mexican migrants [illegal aliens, who are willing to work for 'slave wages'](33)

The first thing you notice about the headlines is that ONLY ONE newspaper had the 'guts' to print the FACT that they were discussing illegal aliens. Unfortunately, that's all part of the subtle propaganda machine employed by the establishment press, that includes lying by omission (i.e., leaving out key important descriptive words like 'illegal'). It is a technique that is often applied lavishly and shamelessly by the Catholic Church and others in order to confound the average unsuspecting or clueless American!

Secondly, didn't you always wonder how so many of those 'poor migrants' were able to afford the services of the coyotes (i.e., Mexican human smugglers and traffickers)? Many aliens pay thousands of dollars to coyotes to illegally ferry them into the United States? So, now you know. They had jobs! They had family already here to borrow from. They had places to stay and jobs arranged before they even arrived. In the future the more 'family' that comes here, the more 'family' will come here, so that the migrant army of colonization will increase exponentially!

Doesn't that anger you after all the propaganda that the Catholic Church and others have been spewing forth for decades about 'Welcoming the Stranger' and 'Justice for Immigrants?' Those poor pitiful 'migrants' (illegal aliens) who come here to take advantage our schools, health and welfare systems. They overload our children's schools, bankrupt hospitals, fill our jails, commit crimes, kill people in many ways including drunk driving, and YET we are to 'welcome them' according to the religious communities.

What about the rights of all the legal residents of America who are being trampled upon by such an outrageous Catholic mandate, arrogantly promoted in direct contravention of our immigration laws? Why does the Catholic Church so blatantly encourage their flock to break the laws of the land? It doesn't matter what 'higher law' they think they are obeying. Have they no shame?

What the Catholic Church promotes is an illegal and immoral exhortation for the Catholic faithful to engage in criminal activities! The church is ruthlessly advocating for the defiance of our laws by encouraging their flock to illegally 'aid and abet' aliens to come, enter, take up residence and work here in America. The church encourages parishioners to conceal, harbor and shield illegal 'migrants' from detection in houses, or to illegally transport them and engage in 'conspiracies' with others to commit those same illegal acts. That makes all participants -- criminals!

The Catholic Church and Charities, their membership and other religious zealots who think only of their 'mission' without regard for the rest of us, are the proverbial 'Fifth Column' who operates out of sympathy for the 'immigrant' by traitorously and subversively facilitating their illegal invasion of our country. They are providing support for a 'migrant army' of Spanish speaking Hispanics who are mostly Mexicans, avowedly seeking to 'reconquista' the southwestern states, who WILL, by their sheer numbers, irrevocably alter our American community. They will divide our nation into two languages, two cultures, and two disparate societies.

By describing Mary and Joseph as "appropriate patrons of refugees and migrants" Archbishop Vlazny demonstrates a misguided religious fervor that facilitates and perpetuates the massive unrelenting Hispanic and Latino illegal alien invasion of our country! His advocacy for a "Journey to Justice" for 'migrants and refugees' blatantly encourages the violation of our immigration laws because, by omission, he does not differentiate between legal and illegal. Nor would he or the Catholic Church ever make any such distinction because they do believe they are above the law!

In their 'blind ambition' to increase their membership the Catholic Church has slipped into the abyss of moral turpitude by commanding their flock to feloniously assist the illegal alien invasion. The human tsunami of Hispanics and Latinos overwhelming our country is a national tragedy that has dramatically reduced the quality-of-life for "We the People." The long touted program of "Justice for Immigrants" does not include justice for "We the People" and its promotion by the Catholic Church is an egregious sacrilegious disgrace!