We all know what type of "solution" amnesty-proponent Graham wants. I wonder if he'll think about how amnesty would harm American workers while he's on his junket to s/w Asia. Anyway, read the comments at the bottom of the story by clicking on below link:


Graham says year pivotal
By Robert Behre (Contact)
The Post and Courier
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Hours after being sworn in to his second term Tuesday, U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham predicted this year would be pivotal in the course of the nation and the world.

U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham said he supports the stimulus package.

"It's a year where things are going to get better or worse," he said, citing the stalemate in Afghanistan, the fragile progress in Iraq, the need to contain Iran's nuclear ambitions and the current fighting in Gaza.

"I'm excited about my second term. I'm going to try to use it wisely. Be involved. Take risks. Find solutions to problems that have been neglected for decades, like immigration, and see if we can find a way to bring this country together," he said.

Graham plans to join Vice President-elect Joe Biden and a few other senators soon for a fact-finding trip to southwest Asia

Their specific itinerary has not been released for security reasons.

"I will probably do a lot of listening," Graham said. "It came at his invitation right after the election. ... I'm looking forward to the trip, and I think it's going to be a big deal, quite frankly."

On the home front, Graham said he liked the $300 billion tax cuts proposed in the stimulus package because it would help encourage small businesses to create new jobs. He also favors stimulating the economy by directing federal money to rebuilding the nation's infrastructure.

"It is not lost upon me that we're dealing with borrowed money," he said. "I hate to be in this spot, but I don't believe the private sector has enough resources now to jump start the economy."

Graham also said he hoped to find a solution to Social Security's financial problems that ultimately could save up to $5 trillion in the nation's future debt obligations.

He noted when he was born in 1955, there were 16 taxpayers for every person receiving a Social Security check. "Today there's three," he said. "In 20 years, there will be two. I think now is the time for Congress to act with a new administration to find a solution to Social Security to create long-term solvency."

Graham said he hasn't studied Illinois law enough to know whether Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid should allow Roland Burris to be sworn in as that state's new senator. Burris was appointed by embattled Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, who stands accused of trying to sell President-elect Barack Obama's open Senate seat.

"Just when you think you've seen everything, there's always something new to puzzle over," Graham said. "I'm just enjoying Senator Reid dealing with this."

Reach Robert Behre at 937- 5771 or at rbehre@ postandcourier.com

http://www.charleston.net/news/2009/jan ... otal67516/