Listen live at 3 pm/PST to

We are going to be joining, Save Our State, Diversity Alliance, Choose Black America and other concerned American Citizens while they stand up for Freedom of speech and the new show called Homeland Security USA, which airs every Tuesday Evening on ABC. My guest is Chelene, the Managing Director of Save Our State. We will be airing the rally as it happens, hope you will join us and support Homeland Security USA!

Listen to all the Anti American propaganda that comes from the Counter Protestors, they want to stop our Law Enforcement, we must not let them stop this very important show.

Counter-protesting the ABC program will be the Southern California Immigration Coalition,, which includes anti American groups like the Brown Berets, Acorn, Mecha, Radical Women, and Palestinians for Peace. This group is demanding the show be canceled for promoting xenophobia and racism.

We will not be taking any call for the first hour but at 4 pm/PST you can call 646-478-5004 with your questions or comments.

Join us in the chat room during the show, you must register with Blog Talk Radio to participate in the chat. It is easy and does not take long.