Now that the news media has picked up on these criminal aliens ACTUALLY HAVING THE UNMITIGATED GALL AND NERVE!!! to return less than 3 weeks after they were deported following the raid in Arkansas that Huckster keeps whining about, do you think ICE will pick them up and deport them yet again? My guess is no!

Deportees already returning less than 3 weeks after raid

ARKADELPHIA, Ark. At least one of the illegal immigrants deported after a raid on an Arkadelphia, Arkansas, poultry plant last month has returned to Arkadelphia.

Doctor Cesar (SAY'-sahr) Compadre (kahm-PAHD'-ray) has been providing medical treatment and supplies to the 30 children were left behind after the raid. He says he gave prenatal care to a woman who had already come back from Mexico.

The woman says she was deported to Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, after the July 26th raid and had come back to be with her husband and two small children.

Compadre says the immigration raid on the Petit Jean (PEH'-tih-jeen) poultry plant in Arkadelphia was handled badly. Many -- including Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee -- agree. But the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency says the government was enforcing the laws as it should.