By David J. Stoddard

October 19, 2006

Jim Kolbe has represented me for the last 22 years. Kolbe was a prime force behind the formulation and passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). It has proven disastrous for both Mexico and the United States. The reasons for the failure have been outlined by numerous pundits.

Before NAFTA, Kolbe would frequently show up unannounced at the Naco Border Patrol station in Arizona. These visits were usually unannounced and unaccompanied by aides. Kolbe would quietly discuss border activities and conditions and seemed genuinely interested.

After NAFTA, Kolbe's visits abruptly ended and he began a systematic dismantling of immigration enforcement in Arizona. He crippled the Border Patrol by legislating controls over the Border Patrol which limited Border Patrol checkpoints and funding. Kolbe began to micromanage Border Patrol activities and functions. We soon realized that Kolbe morphed from a friend of the Border Patrol to a ravenous foe.

Among other ill advised legislation, Kolbe expanded the 25 mile limit on Visitor visas to include Tucson. This opened the Tucson International Airport, the commercial bus stations and taxis to aliens who would cross the border on a temporary visitor visa for shopping, and who would travel to the nearest bus station or the airport and fly unhindered to any city in the USA. Soon, the Tucson Airport was busy with professional alien smugglers moving their cargo.

Kolbe originally ran for office as a straight, conservative Republican and for several terms he played the part well. In the 90's Kolbe was "outed" by his gay "companeros" in retaliation for not pushing the gay agenda with vigor and sincerity.

Shortly after Kolbe's exposure as a homosexual, he revealed himself to be a drooling liberal who truly pushed gay marriage and other special rights for homosexuals. Among those special rights, Kolbe introduced legislation to allow alien homosexuals to immigrate into the United States to join gay lovers. The bills consistently failed to be presented to the full house for obvious reasons. Then it became public knowledge that Kolbe found a lover who lives in Panama and is, of course, a Panamanian citizen.

Recently when Congressman Foley was revealed to be a homosexual pedophile, Kolbe held a press conference and pointed his finger at Foley and essentially said, "Look at him. He is a bad homo, but I am a good homo."

Today, I learned that Congressman Jim Kolbe is being investigated by the Arizona State Attorney General concerning a camping trip taken to the Grand Canyon in 1998 in which Kolbe took along two young Congressional pages. Pages are hired to run around the Capital building carrying messages and such for congressmen. They are certainly not hired to go on outings, vacations and trips to Europe with the legislators. It seems that these young people are regarded by the perverts in Congress as potential young conquests. Neither are those pages to be used as "eye candy" for the elderly pedophiles that occasionally deceive the voting public. The Page Program needs radical revision with clear rules and boundaries or eliminated entirely. We have electronic pagers, cell phones and such now. There is really no modern need to have young vulnerable people subject to the whims and fantasies of those such as Foley and Kolbe.

I have detested Kolbe for his arrogance, failure to properly represent Southern Arizona and for his treachery to mainstream America.

In 2004, I wrote Kolbe a letter which is reprinted below:

Dear Congressman Kolbe:

I know you can empathize with my problem. Therefore I beseech you to help me.

To fully convey my situation, I must go back to my early childhood.

As a little boy, I knew I was different from the others. I neither identified with the little boys or the little girls. From my earliest memory I felt out of place, unhappy and unfulfilled. I knew something was wrong, just as you knew but couldn't quite put your finger on it until puberty.

When other kids were playing baseball and jacks, I was looking at Dog World and Zoology Today magazines. When other kids were watching cartoons on television, I watched nature shows.

I just couldn't get my mind off man's relationship to animals.

Then, a few months ago, I suddenly came to the realization that I am really an animal trapped in a man's body. I have been in the closet all my life.

My epiphany came about when I acquired a horse. He is a magnificent beast with a massive chest and a firm, well-rounded butt. I won't mention his other parts. I looked into his eye and he looked into mine, and we instantly had a rapport like I've never known before. It was love at first sight. This love is just as real as any between a human man and woman. I know you can empathize with that concept being a homosexual and all. Who is to say that my love for my horse is not as real as yours for fat young boys?

The recent civil disobedience in San Francisco gave me hope. Your public proclamation of support for homosexual marriage gave me hope.

I need your help. I want to marry my horse and he wants to marry me. He loves me deeply. I can tell by the look in his eye when he sees me with a bucket of oats. I can tell because he spends hours looking over the fence waiting for me to appear. This love is just as real as any you have ever known.

Oh, I know you are skeptical because he is an animal. We can never have a natural physical relationship. I know that. But you are well acquainted with the lack of a natural physical relationship. Me and my horse can improvise just as you do.

You have sponsored several legislative bills that do not exactly fit the norm. But, what is the "norm"? Every person has a right to define "normal" for himself, right? You do. I know you can empathize with me.

Please make it legal so my horse and I can wed. Our happiness depends on it. There might very well be an "animal" gene just as you propose there may be a "homosexual" gene. The research isn't in yet.

Please introduce legislation to allow me to marry my horse. I have every right, as there is no Constitutional prohibition on marrying horses.

© 2006 David J. Stoddard - All Rights Reserved


Dave Stoddard has lived and worked on the border all his live. He has traveled in Mexico and has friends and family there. Dave lives near the Mexican Border in Cochise County, Arizona. He speaks, reads and writes Spanish fluently.

Mr. Stoddard spent 27 years in the Border Patrol and served in Calexico, California, Vermont, Yuma, Tucson Sector Headquarters and Naco, Arizona. He also worked in Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico and other locations.

Stoddard provided testimony about immigration reform to Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner's (R-WI) House Subcommittee on Immigration and Claims in 1999 and a Congressional subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human Resources in 2002. He has also been a guest on multiple nationally broadcast Radio and television programs, including Bill O'Reilly's "The Factor."