Did you ever get the feeling that sometimes you should just stay in bed and maybe all the bullcrap would take a day off too? Well, that’s the way I felt yesterday morning. Don’t get me wrong here, I am not talking about feeling sorry for myself, I am talking about all the politically correct crap that has infected this nation. The fear of enforcing the laws, the joys of multiculturalism and the politically correct assholes that control this state and country? Sometimes I think it is better to just stay in bed and pretend that all is right in the world.
Let me tell you what I am talking about, I have a friend, Doug, he drives a public bus for the city of Columbia. He has had this job for 27 years, very religious, and a thoroughly good person. Monday, he pulled into the parking lot where he works and noticed an asphalt company was repaving part of the lot, he also noticed that there were 3 Hispanic males working for this company. He walked over to the guy in charge and asked him why was he employing illegal aliens when there were thousands of Americans workers needing job? Well, guess what happened? Yep, the guy went to Doug’s supervisor and my friend Doug got fired from that job he had for 27 years. It is a travesty.
Yesterday evening we went to some friends home in Camden, the husband asked me how was it going and said he would like to make a suggestion. He said that I should just forget my business and move on to something else. That in his view I was letting racism come into the picture, and that down the road I would regret what I was doing. I wanted to walk out of there at that moment. But I held my ground, this guy works in a civilian capacity at Fort Jackson so he never has to worry about being replaced by people that sneaked into our country. He doesn’t work in the real world that I have to face head on every day. I asked him how could I so easily give up a business that I have been in for 20 years? How can I give up a business that made almost 180 grand last year? He said that sometimes it is better to just walk away.
It is attitudes like that, that has put this country in the position it is in today. Did George Washington just walk away from Valley Forge? Did Abraham Lincoln calmly walk away from what he faced? Did the Marines on Iwo Jima turn around and get back on their ships? No, none of them did. They all did the right things and made this country great. And it is up to every American to stand fast and do the right thing, and that is to take this country back from the sniveling cowards that have hijacked it. They have dishonored those great Americans for their own selfish and narrow ends. And they need to pay a price for it.’
I also talked to my lawyer yesterday about the trial coming up Friday. He said that the homeowner in my case told the prosecutor that I need to plead guilty because if I don’t he plans on bringing charges against me for dirtying his good name. Lol. For accusing him of being cheap and employing illegal aliens. I want to help him refresh his memory a bit here, he told me a month before the incident that international roofers had installed the shingles on his roof for 4 to 5 dollars an hour and that if I wanted to do the copper work then my bid needed to be as low as theirs. Seems to me that he has conveniently forgotten this conversation he had with me. Well, I haven’t, it is forefront in my mind every day that passes by. Here is this bum, living in a 600 grand house and he wants to be greedy and break our laws and then thinks he is in the right. I am going to prove him wrong. I am going to show exactly how cheap he really is in a public forum.
And that is why I am not going to plead guilty, I am going to fight him and every other cheap bastard until I cannot fight anymore. They have brought dishonor onto this country and themselves by their criminal actions and the only thing I am guilty of is exposing it. And I will have some support Friday, about 20 to 25 people will be there standing there beside me, hopefully most of them will have on shirts that say “ENFORCE OUR LAWS!â€