Lou Dobbs Gushes Over Senator Cornyn
[Rob Sanchez]

Last week Lou Dobbs had a very good show about H-1B. At issue is the new bill by Senator Cornyn to raise the H-1B cap.

Dobbs asked Bill Tucker an excellent question and Tucker fired off with the perfect answer: H-1B visas go mainly to low skilled entry level jobs!

It was a great report, except that Dobbs blew it right towards the end by showing undue respect for Cornyn.

DOBBS: This is, to me, shocking. Senator Cornyn, in most other respects, has demonstrated himself to be an able senator, man of integrity, and a well-informed senator. There is no possible explanation that this sponsorship is anything more than a reflexive, acquiescence to the demands of corporate lobbyists, putting intense pressure on Lieberman and Cornyn and all the other senators involved. This is so disappointing when it comes to Senator Cornyn. [ LOU DOBBS TONIGHT Aired April 15, 2008 - 19:30 ET]
This isn’t the first time Dobbs has coddled Cornyn. Every time Cornyn is on the show Dobbs gushes all over him. This is just one example:

[quote]“I will tell you straightforward. I think the Kyl-Cornyn legislation, if Senator Cornyn were here I would call it the Cornyn- Kyl legislation, I think a reasonable, intelligent basis to proceed.â€