Lou Dobbs Tonight
Friday, June 6, 2008

Tonight, more bad news about our beaten-down economy. The
unemployment rate jumped half a point to 5.5 percent, the
biggest increase in 22 years. And the economy lost another
50,000 jobs. How are the presidential candidates responding?
We’ll have that story and all the day’s news from Washington.

* A tragic example this month of how greed-filled business
interests take advantage of cheap immigrant labor: In
California, 17-year-old Maria Vasquez died from heat stroke
after picking grapes in 95-degree weather for over eight hours.
Vasquez, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, was denied water,
shade, and prompt medical assistance by the site supervisor, in
violation of labor laws. She was two months pregnant. The
company she was working for makes the popular Charles Shaw wine
know as “Two Buck Chuckâ€