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And Bush wants an amnesty and open borders, he wants more of this in the US?

Louisiana Officials Unable to Stop Meth & Mexicans by Ted Duplessis
Rural and Suburban Louisiana has a raging epidemic of Meth use. Meth is to white communities in Louisiana, what crack was to inner city black communities during the mid to late 1980's. In fact, some inner cities should build walls up to protect themselves from the criminal element that is coming from the suburbs and rural areas! When the Times Picayune ran an article, which happily announced the arrival of 100,000 illegal immigrants to do cheap work for Post-Katrina contractors, they failed to mention the arrival of drug cartels in Post-Katrina Louisiana. Corporations and the White House, have been doing a good job at hiding and covering up America's Meth problem. Instead of idiots in Congress, closing the boarders or deporting illegal immigrants, they decided to put a limit on cough syrup! This is our government's answer to Meth? No wonder, we have a nation of addicts and a historic invasion of Mexican drug dealers infiltrating our society. America is run by truly idiotic, out of touch people. The D.E.A. has done a great job on stopping Meth from being cooked in white communities but when it comes to having the tools to battling Mexican drug lords, they get silenced by the Bush administration.

Meth, Speed, Crank, Crystal was unheard of in Louisiana, just a few years ago but now it is a growing problem. With the inflow of Mexicans into Southern states comes major epicenters of Meth trafficking. The New Orleans police dept., is largely ignorant on Meth trafficking. The law enforcement agencies in Louisiana just aren't bright enough to adapt and over come this new demographic. Corporations and developers in Louisiana do major PR to paint illegal immigrants as simple day labors and workers. The police dept. attempts to paint crime in Louisiana as something that is only driven by African-Americans and everyone else are upstanding citizens. This is the mentality that has twelve year old white kids in the suburbs strung out on Crystal. Corporations and developers in Louisiana, want the undocumented workers but they also want to hide the drug culture that comes with these people.

Meth comes into Louisiana from Atlanta or Texas state via illegal immigrants. Corporations attempt to place this on Central American gangs but that is more propaganda. Central Americans are routinely harassed and scape goat-ed for crime that is being created by Mexicans. The Bush administration has encouraged this epidemic of drug trafficking. through its lack of sane policy with Mexico. I haven't seen one cop, district attorney or FBI agent, make one bust on any of these illegal immigrant drug rings. The U.S. Government, so called, comprehensive immigration reform bill, makes as much sense as placing a limit on cough syrup. The U.S. government is just creating more problem for the American people with a guest worker program. A guest worker program, is amnesty for Mexico's underclass, which acts as a military arm for Mexico's corruption and drug cartels in the U.S. Many Americans are naive enough to think that a guest worker program will only apply to agriculture jobs in the U.S. A guest worker program would make almost EVERY corporate job a temp. assignment , even for Americans. This is a win-win situation for American companies. They all get cheap labor, they do not have to hire Americans, and since the job will not be permanent they get out of health insurance and retirement payments to workers. U.S. citizens will also be guest workers in their own country and this is why the U.S. government is allowing America to be invaded by Mexican drug cartels. Migrant workers, illegal aliens, undocumented immigrants are mules, sleep gang members or traffickers for Mexico's corruption. Even the Mexican kids who are born in the U.S. are military arms of Mexico's drug cartels.

(Lets keep it real) All the blame can not be placed on Mexico. The American government manufactured this drug in the 1940's during secret ethnic cleansing programs. The American government, adopted Nazi drug making techniques and moved many drugs and viruses into America's underclass. Mexico, picked up this drug manufacturing techniques from the U.S.

I strongly believe that under a Democratic Senate and Congress, the drug problem will get worse. I strongly believe that Louisiana has become a carbon copy of a boarder town in the Southwestern region, where drugs and gangs come along with the tacos and peasant-broken Mexican version of Spanish. With developers bringing in undocumented workers into Louisiana, the seeds have been planted for a war that American citizens aren't prepared to fight. If New Orleans doesn't want to see huge gang problems (there were never gangs in Louisiana black neighborhoods before Latinos)-then they better contract out L.A.P.D. officers because the law enforcement in place now just isn't going to cut it! This is one issue that can not be blamed on young black males in this state.

November 16, 2006 at 05:11 AM in NEW ORLEANS CRIME/COPS | Permalink