As many of you who are followers of American Rattlesnake know, one of the most infuriating aspects of our nation’s unsecured borders is the number of violent crimes, including homicides, that are committed by illegal aliens who have evaded the criminal justice system precisely because of our government’s lax attitude towards their initial crime. One of the most horrific crimes of this kind was committed in this city nearly five years ago by an individual who was an Ecuadorian national living here illegally.

I bring up the case of Diego Pillco, which I’ve covered in the past, because of a disappointing ruling by Justice Louis York in a civil lawsuit filed by Adrienne Shelly’s widower, Andrew Ostroy. To exculpate Bradford General Contractors, the company that employed Mr. Pillco when he callously murdered Mr. Ostroy’s wife, then proceeded to cover up his barbaric crime, from responsibility altogether is bad enough. But even more outrageous is the rationale the judge used when clearing them of blame...